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  1. Yeah, this thread is a year old but this guy installed Windows 95 on it. 😄 https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=246886
  2. There is QEMU but from what I've found its a bit broken unless you get the pi to compile it. I have no idea what its performance would be though. 😄
  3. No Worries, I appreciate the work though! Yeah saw the site go down and while I did wait a while to send another response I was just too tired to continue :D . I tried a few other things through Lutris. I had Wizardry 8 copied onto the pi (i had forgotten it was a windows not dos title) and it would give me the same error. I also had lutris log into my GoG account but it wouldn't download the titles I selected. I found you could download different wines through lutris so I grabbed version 5.4 and did get a different error message but ultimately nothing I tried worked. They're getting closer to a fully optimized Pi 4 Windows for Arm build that has x86 emulation built in. Might have to wait until then. As for Doom, yeah I figured that was the case as while browsing a few forums about it their was talk of the source code being available so that's why it was possible.
  4. oh. got a command for getting the right one i can try? i am helpless with linux still
  5. yep was quick
  6. Yep. is all good. might not be up much longer. dead tired XD timezones and weird sleeping habits ftw!
  7. i notice whenever i enable dxvk save, then go back to that tab its disabled again so ive rebooted
  8. do i need to set up an account with Lutris or will it work without it?
  9. Aye, regular Raspian
  10. https://www.novaspirit.com/2019/09/20/install-doom-3-raspberry-pi-4/
  11. Did follow a guide and got doom 3 working on the thing, so I thought i'd be a little more ambitious, might be too much so, especially for me.
  12. Just trying to launch CoH on the Pi from Lutris
  13. All i get is Wine: Bad EXE format for E:\home\pi\coh\Tequila.exe. All children gone Exit with returncode 193
  14. Well I know Wine isn't an issue. we'll see 🙂
  15. Not sure this is going to work on ARM but i'll give it a shot
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