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Posts posted by BasherBot

  1. 23 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    Range damage sets, I usually expect two standard single target attacks, a conical AoE, a targeted AoE, a variant of Aim, a third single-target strong blast, some kind of ability that focuses a control/debuff over damage, a sniper attack, and a massive damage AoE.  Many follow that formula (Energy probably does it best) while some have variations or replacements.  For instance Sonic Attack lacks a sniper and targeted AoE but gets a second (weak) cone and a second control power.  Fire drops the status for another AoE.  Assault Rifle drops Aim for no good reason (Ignite...) while offering another cone in place of the third strong attack.

    Yeah, not having aim on AR confuses me too XD

  2. With the introduction of Issue 27 on beta, I've had the change to see what the devs are willing to do for balance of Powersets... and I must say I am surprised by the amount of new powers and reworks they've added. One of the main things that caught me attention was the addition of a cone attack for Energy Melee. This made me think: What would be considered the must haves for a standard powerset to be successful? What would be considered essential? I know that every powerset has their own gimmicks and niches that make each of them unique... but even then there are a set of ability that was standard among most powersets of same category. So, let's get talking. What would you consider essential for a powerset? What do you think isn't? Are their certain powersets you wish had something they lacked? Is there a power that you feel should be changed or replaced for a powerset?


    here's a list of each powerset type for reference/reminder:

    Ranged Damage (Blasters/Defenders/Corrupters/Sentinels)

    Melee Damage (Scrappers/Tankers/Brutes/Stalkers)

    Control (Controllers/Dominators)

    Support (Defenders/Corrupters/Masterminds/Controllers)

    Tank (Scrappers/Tankers/Brutes/Stalkers/Sentinels)

    Pets (Masterminds)

    Assault (Dominators)

    Blast (Blasters)

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  3. image.png.df306e62a62ae4be1420509f999644d8.png


    I attempted to redesign the outfit for my Archery/Atomic Blaster: Rad Recurve (name I got from the person who designed it last time). Was hoping for a power rangers meets iron man look... but I failed miserably lol. I would like some help I'm not good with the costume creator if ya all couldn't tell

  4. 13 hours ago, biostem said:

    Just so I'm clear, is this "Radiated Enforcer" himself a cyborg/robot/human in a suit?  What kind of powers does he use?  Do you want to stick to oranges & browns, or are you open to other colors?  Thanks!

    He, himself, is a cyborg (sorry that it wasn't clear that cyborg hunter meant he was a cyborg that hunts criminals). As for powers, he uses electrical emitters in his cybernetics along side iridium canisters to create a radiation effect (Radiation Armor/Electrical Melee Tanker). And, yes, I am open to other colors

    • Thanks 1
  5. Well... you see... we don't have a "sandard form" around here. Everyone kind of does their own thing for character lists and description (with most OP/meta gaming stuff being weeded out by the limitation of being in game characters)

  6. 1 hour ago, diefree said:

    Yea I'll definitely be making him a villian, not antihero, for this reason. He'll also be of the bishop mindset of let the free-market reign with no regard for consequences. He won't be muhaha evil but not someone you'll want to be either.


    Partly creating him as a villian for my sg too.

    Well, if you intend on RPing with him around here... he might find some of his clients have been "converted" by Doctor Vex 😉

  7. 1 hour ago, GastlyGibus said:

    Male Face 1 should be restricted to villains only. No super hero would ever have the kind of shit-eating grin that Male Face 1 has. 😛

    You underestimate the potential of a hero who saves the day for selfish reason

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Lines said:

    Perhaps 'healing' in support could be 'damage mitigation', so that +defence and +resistance sets can be compared. Buffs, then, would be the support toon's ability to make their teammates wreak more havoc.


    This is cool, though, and I like the criteria. I'll have a think as I play some sets.

    I personally would put defense and resist buffs under ally buffing since most of those buffs are not usable on oneself.

  9. So, the deal here is, with the help of you all, I would like to score as many power sets as possible based on various aspects. The categories are as followed:


    Damage Sets (Ranged and Melee)

    Single Target Damage 1-10

    AoE Damage 1-10

    Utility 1-10


    Defense Sets:

    Defense 1-10

    Healing 1-10

    AoE Damage 1-10


    Support Sets:

    Utility 1-10

    Healing 1-10

    Ally Buffing 1-10

    Debuff 1-10


    Control Sets:

    Utility 1-10

    AoE Control 1-10

    Pet Power 1-10


    Blast Sets:

    Damage 1-10

    Utility 1-10

    Suitability 1-10


    Assault Sets:

    Single Target Damage 1-10

    AoE Damage 1-10

    Utility 1-10


    Pet Sets:

    Pet Power 1-10

    Petless Damage 1-10

    Pet Buffs 1-10


    Universal scores:

    Visual Flair 1-10

    Enjoyable 1-10

    Difficulty 1-10


    For example, Archery would have a 7 in Single Target, a 5 in AoE and a 3 in utility. It has good single target attacks while still having a good number of AoE options... however, it lacks utility since it doesn't have a baked in debuff or mez while only having Stunning Arrow as an option for utility specific moves.


    I hope you all have fun with this topic :3

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  10. image.png.b85a37d1aaaf174969ff241941b662bb.png


    Doctor Elanor Vex


    Once a humble and kind soul, Elanor Vex's life inside Mercy Island was harsh. He was alone, afraid, but smart. He soon learned that his flesh weighed him down. It made him weak and vulnerable. So, driven by madness and adrenaline, Elanor transferred his consciousness to an advance prototype he stole. From that day onward, Command Unit T897-C8 and Elanor Vex became one in the same. With the combination of Elanor's intelligence and T897's machinery, "Doctor Vex" seeks to cleanse all of the Rogue Isles of it's weak flesh and turn into a mechanized paradise. No one, not even the Arachnos, will stop him. All will be converted. All will become perfection.


    Archtype: Mastermind (Pulse Rifle/Traps)



    AR55 Pulse Rifle (A simple, yet effective pulse rifle with a burst and single shot setting)

    Web Grenades (grenades designed to tangle and contain foes for capture and conversion)

    T890-A1 (an assault drone, T890-A1 is the first model of it's line.)

    T890-A2 (The second in the T890 line and a near identical copy of A1)

    CC88 Atomic Repair Kit (Still in alpha testing, the CC88 Atomic Repair Kit is a specially modified Triage Beacon capable of repairing machine and flesh alike. Vex tends to use them while "converting" others, as the process can be quite messy at times)


    Note: Though Doctor Vex detests working with those who are not cyberized (and is particularly hateful towards cyborgs) he will work with anyone he has to in order to ensure his survival.

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