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Darn! Oh well. Thanks for clearing that up. 🙂
I have started a few new characters recently as my main is nearing the endgame. Playing the same early missions over and over has gotten a little grindy in places. So I was wondering, is it possible to take player-made missions out of the simulated environment and plug them into the world map? I know I can just go to AE and play them there, but it got me thinking about it more in a community kind of way. Maybe there could be a competition, where people submit specific missions for public approval (and assuming they pass moderation for content), and the winner(s) get added to the overworld? There are plenty of places to put down a new NPC, and most of the content is instanced anyway. I understand this might be an embuggerance to plug into the Oroboros flashbacks, so it might need to be left out of that, but if it is possible, could this be a thing?
* Flips through weapon options looking for something cool. * Finds the giant chainsaw titan weapon. * Makes a heroic Redemptionist. 😄 FOR THE EMPEROR! BURN THE HERETICS!
So I have not got my main up to max level yet, but I went back an made my old flying assault rifle blaster. While I was faffing with character options he ended up a little different from before... What happens when you cross the mafia and the legions of hell? That's not the opening line of a joke, as Donny 'Don' Morningstar found out to his cost. Once a rising star in one of the many branching crime families, Don was on the way to make a name for himself. He was charming when he needed to be, conniving and slippery to just the right degree, and a ruthless killer when asked. His superiors had him marked down for great things, and the brash young man strutted the streets of the city with confidence and pride. But, one day, it was discovered that there was a rat in the house, and Don found himself unknowingly the lead suspect. He was, of course, innocent of this particular crime. However, climbing the ladder of success had seen him make few friends and many enemies. Called to a dockside warehouse, he was surprised to see his Capo waiting with a squad of enforcers. The man shook Don by the hand, thanked him for all his hard work, then stepped back to let his men riddle Don with bullets. Slumping the the cold concrete, Don's last thoughts were a mixture of confusion and anger. Obviously there were no pearly gates waiting to open for the lifelong criminal. Down to hell he went, to be tormented with all the other damned souls. But Donny was not without vision and drive. Those qualities were, however, lacking in the devil overseeing the sinners in his particular section of the pit. Vzz'guoth - Devouter of the Iniquitous - was bored with his eternal duties and the politics of hell. He was at first furious when the bleeding and bloody figure of Donny crawled into his throneroom of petrified bone, but was amused when the human pointed out ways to make the punishments meted out more effective and efficient. He made Don first his pet, and then later his adviser. After all, letting the human take over his duties meant that he could concentrate on his own depraved pastimes. Don managed, with guile and not a little violence, to carve out his own little kingdom within Vzz'guoth's domain. Obviously the demons of the pit were reluctant to follow his directives, until his master punished them appropriately. But in the end they just started doing what they were told just to get it over with. Donny sipped blood from skulls and lounged on living pillows of screaming skin while others around him suffered. He thought he had, once again, found the good life he felt he deserved. It did not take too long for his activities to be discovered. Arch-devils raided Vzz'guoth's realm and dragged both him and Donny before infernal courts to answer for their various crimes. Donny was, as a prelude to his final punishment, flayed by inches from the feet up until only his head remained to plead for mercy. And plead he did. In the end, fearing final, total death at the hands of his captors, he pinned all the outrages he had committed on Vzz'gutoh. The devils laughed, not believing him for a second. But his cowardly display did entertain them. In the end they passed judgement on the pair. Vzz'guoth was decapitated, and Donny's flaming skull was placed on the stump, creating a hybrid being. Don Mornigstar was now neither human nor devil, and for his crimes he was trusted by nobody. His eternal penance is to act as a herald of the damned, answering the summons of mortals who would trade their souls for power. He can, himself, never claim these souls and must take them to his betters. Thus he gets to tread the richest palaces of Hell, carrying a fortune in human souls, but own and enjoy none of it. Currently he has been able to break this cycle for a time. A human who summoned him had a heart attack upon seeing him appear. As he was not able to sign the contract to pledge his soul to hell, Don does not have to return with it. He has been desperately seeking a way to anchor himself to the mortal world to try, once again, to cheat his masters and find a way to the life he believes he is owed.
Thanks! I upgraded his costume a little today when I hit 40, because I had forgotten that his previous build had the chain wrapped boots and torn cape. When I start to really feel the grind with him, or hit the level cap, I will likely go back and make something else like my flying assault rifle mercenary or club/shield sewer troglodyte. 🙂
Posted the bio for Captain Edgelord here in the bio threads, but putting the costume here as well. 🙂 This guy was my first CoV character back in the day, and remaking him in the editor filled me with nostalgia.
Well, here is my recreated edgelord character and first CoV build - Suffercharge. Electrical Melee/Willpower Brute. Suffercharge was a prototype super soldier created by an unknown group who planned on mass-producing loyal, emotionless clones for profit. Part of the design brief was to make them immune to pain, which they succeeded on to some degree. His nervous system exists, but is essentially separate to the rest of his body. His creators found that his body was numb, registering pressure and heat only vaguely. Pain, however, caused electrical impulses to be generated by the appropriate nerves. But, rather than heading to his brain, the energy simply circulated endlessly through this sub-dermal network of nerves. He was able to use this power source to heal his injuries by focusing the energy into the wounded area to speed cell regeneration, as well as discharge it through touch. As the energy was the 'frequency' of human pain signals, this resulted in his target becoming crippled by waves of agony. Delighted by this turn of events, Suffercharge's captors ran him ragged through brutal, seemingly pointless tests to determine the limits of his abilities. He was exposed to all kinds of painful stimuli and then thrown into combat against street thugs, mercenaries, etc. He would be told to let them beat him for as long as he could remain standing, then kill them without mercy. His body was augmented by crude cybernetics designed to run off his internal power supply, and he was often awake for the surgeries. Even his name was a mockery, as the project to discover a way to replicate his abilities in all the following closed was called Operation Supercharge. Since his creators wanted to see how much he could suffer, they 'wittily' dubbed him Suffercharge. All of this abuse strained his in-built loyalty to the limit...and eventually snapped it. During yet another round of stress testing, Suffercharge broke his wrist, allowing him to generate enough energy to kill his opponent and burn out the magnetic lock on the door. Immediately the facility was flooded with a poisoned gas. The scientists and guards died within minutes, but Suffercharge's augmentations allowed him to batter down the steel door of his prison and emerge into the weak light of Mercy Island. With his mind broken, he was easily captured this first time. However, he soon broke out of prison and engaged on multiple rampages. With no direction or orders he simply lashed out at anything that attacked him, becoming nearly feral. Arachnos eventually were able to capture him and put his fury to use. They claimed that they had found evidence in the underground lab which pointed to his creation being part of a secret government project, partially funded by Longbow, to create soldiers to crush Lord Recluse. Lies, of course, but Suffercharge didn't really care. His skills and abilities made him an excellent terror weapon for Arachnos, and he was able to slowly rebuild his shattered identity by following orders. That these orders allowed him to vent his insane anger served both parties nicely. Powers - Suffercharge can generate electrical power by experiencing painful stimuli. His costume is designed to facilitate this, with multiple layers of barbed wrappings which chafe and dig into his skin constantly. He was also designed at a genetic level to be stronger, faster and tougher than a regular human. These traits have been further enhanced with unique cybernetic implants. These include metal prongs which emerge a few millimetres from his knuckles, heels, elbows and knees. These conduct his pain-energy better than simple skin-to-skin contact. He is also capable of using the energy to enhance his natural healing. This can range from stimulating his tissues to regrow slowly over time to searing shut mortal wounds in seconds. Weaknesses - As he is unable to feel pain, and in fact is powered up by injuries, Suffercharge is considered high-maintenance by Arachnos medical teams. After even a simple fight he can have sustained injuries which will kill him over time, but not notice or simply not care. His costume also creates a constant source of low-grade physical trauma, so he must be checked daily to discover if he needs surgery, skin grafts, etc. While his healing does somewhat compensate for this, and his body is designed to accept donor tissue without issue, he has on several occasions fought until his body almost literally came apart under him. Role - Terror tactics/High-threat assassinations. Arachnos has found that the best way to make use of Suffercharge is to give him a target, throw a cordon around the area and just let him go to work. By the time he is finished everyone inside the hot zone will either be dead or terrified to the point of being unable to resist a second wave assault team. Between his terrifying appearance, pain-causing powers, and superhuman ability to soak up damage, he has been able to defeat many foes simply by horrifying them into submission before moving in for the kill. Hearing half of your men go quiet over the radio while the rest gibber in fear about 'the monster' tends to send a very clear message to any who would resist Lord Recluse's will.
Thanks for the replies! I'll look into these as soon as I have a chance. 🙂
Hey all. Long time fan of the game here, who found out about the servers a couple of weeks ago. I've been rebuilding my old main, Suffercharge, and was wondering if there was a place to put a character bio? I remember there was a wiki for characters back in the day, and put it on there. Should it go in RP? On the server board? Playing him again after all these years has me thinking about his overly-complicated backstory as I electro punch my way through Longbow agents, as well as the stories of some of my other villains. I am sure there must be somewhere on here for them, so if you could just point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!