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Everything posted by Tokala13

  1. Yeah, though I do see the merit in being able to hibernate and the like it's a valuable time saver at times I just feel it was sort of slimy/sneaky for them to make that the default and not tell the general consumer.
  2. Mine has no crash directory, but my problem was solved by swapping from "Borderless Window" mode to either "Window" or "Fullscreen", though I think my issue might be different than wjm67x, mine was more of a "game goes unresponsive/freezes" than a full "game crashes".
  3. Hey it was a good try thanks for the help.
  4. As an IT tech it still makes me cringe how many people don't shut their stuff down, and the hybrid shutdown/boot stuff is in my opinion there so companies can claim faster boot times for their builds. Making it an option is one thing but defaulting to it has always rubbed me wrong. Mine's not a zombie process though, but I am familiar with the concept, once in a while Pidgin would do that and I'd have to reboot to get rid of it so I could open it again properly. ===== More to the topic at hand though, the launcher seems to run fine, the game client and character creation all ran smoothly, it's just that once I enter the game that at a random time within 1-2 minutes it will freeze, if I wait and do nothing then Windows will then mark it as not responding and give me the usual options, or I can kill it via task manager. I can then open the game again and rinse repeat and slowly make progress but it's not a fun way to play. It's not crashing the computer though it's just the game process getting hung up and going unresponsive. Area: Outbreak (Hero Tutorial) Problem: Game goes unresponsive eventually whether I do anything or not, but trying to click or drag interface elements such as powers, pet window, chat, ect 'seems' to cause it more readily than waiting around for it to occur on its own. Possible trigger: Seems to occur more rapidly when interacting with HUD elements. Possible Solution: Switching out of borderless window and playing in window mode seems to have alleviated the issue. Possibly caused by borderless window mode specifically? Made it through the tutorial and to atlas park without crashing, so it appears that fixed my problem. Misc Information: OS: Windows 7 Tried in both Homecoming 32bit and Homecoming 64bit. Tried setting Tequila and the cityofheroes.exe to run as admin, no change. Tried setting to run compatibility for XP SP3, no change. Tried changing the install directory, no change. (Well no productive change, one change was that tequila.exe deleted itself every time it was run, but the window still popped up, loaded the manifest, and let me hit play.) Server: Everlasting Character: Tsuladan (Mastermind; Robotics/Force Field)
  5. Same, I just got my first character made but generally within 1-2 minutes the game freezes up and goes unresponsive. In the outbreak tutorial area if that helps. Robotics/Barrier controller type.
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