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  1. Just tried and got back in! Woot woot!
  2. only 128 minute wait time! no problem at all Century Link! psh
  3. oh wow would that suck! So annoying! again, thank you for answering and finding info. My netflix is working and i'm gonna do that. try again tomorrow thanks!
  4. "mild report" ... not mild on my end!
  5. WanderingAries shared this, try it https://downdetector.com/status/centurylink/map/
  6. so we just wait for Century Link to figure it out?
  7. thank you for chatting and finding this info. at least i know now. was so frustrated!
  8. this link won't work...
  9. Yeap, i'm in that area... odd i can surf the internet, play a game on steam but can't play city of heros though...
  10. Platform ... PC - PC - PC - Laptop OS... all Win 10 Launcher type - all HC Launcher Device security in use - all Webroot General location - Central US
  11. I can't connect to DB server when i try to log in. and when i try to re - install the launcher it times out. i've restarted the modem and the computer and i've opened the launcher as an administrator and nothing is working. 😞
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