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Everything posted by OriginalOgre

  1. To the Community, Wow, what an awesome 6 months it has been; in the last 6 months I've helped over 200 characters reach the level cap of 50, I've helped characters achieve accolades, badges, and given Influence to those starting out. I loved this game and its community. I was really happy the game was brought back, and given new light. I was excited to help others. I was excited in getting rewarded for helping others. With my rewards I would , of course help myself so that I could, in turn, pay it forward. Once I was up-to speed in a couple of days I was then able to focus on builds, and what do build require in game money. Before this latest "wonderful" Patch I could make enough money in an hour that would allow me to spec out my farmer and different toons all together, it was great. Now I make 1/100 of what I do in an hour. I now have to spend more time away from important things like work, sleep , and family to help my COH Homecoming community. I can no longer take an hour break for lunch to help people in the community by making millions of dollars in Influence and giving it back. I now have to invest hours (usually takes about 10-20 hours to make 20 million before I could make that in 1 hour) to help others now. Those of you who are reading this could say why should I care about this person who's a nobody and who is complaining about this? Or He's never helped me why should i care? The Reasons, 1. No incentive to get to lvl 50, in the regular game at 50 you could get double influence and no xp, when at a lower level or exemplared (not any more). This feature gave higher level players incentive to stick around a help others because now when they farm through AE mission they make money for them self while helping others get to the same lvl. 2. Free market > Communist Regime, the Developers have not studied economics. when you take away money from the Economy you create a larger gap between high teir players who may have multiple toons who can make more money per hour , and lower level players who are newer or just wanted a game to play with friends. 3. Auction House Exploits, The Richer Will get Richer and the poor stay poor, what i mean is the lack of available income made by every single farmer goes down you loose a large amount of income into the economy so items that where 1-3 million now become worth 15-20 of million, and the items that where 15-20 million will be worth 70-100 million. (Literally the Devs have created inflation ball that will roll down the hill and kill this game) 4. Less play time, the people who want to make there 20 million an hour are going to create multiple accounts taking up space from others (which is wrong but it will happen) 5. Ruining the integrity of the game again creating inflation, changing the money system is wrong this why the OG Devs didn't like making changes to influence because they where smart enough to realize what a HUGE! impact it is in the game. 6. Not Staying true to the Historic value of the game. When you start to remove features that shipped on the game in 2004 now there should be repercussions, Because they change a core functionality of the game.(Devs you forced my hand, NCSoft this would be the time to appeal and shut it down) In closing ive wasted 6 months of my life playing through a game that might as well should be shutdown like whats the point anymore, why should a valuable player who helps other first play anymore, there sure isn't any reason to hit 50 , theres no reason to go past lvl 10 because everything you need to get the most out of your character will either be unobtainium, or so expensive that it makes no sense to entertain the time it takes to the make money. Even if you are blessed by the R&G GODS and you get the enhancement you need it will be more valuable to sell it then craft it which is disgusting. After this one little tiny change in the game COH Homecoming has lost a very valuable player. Good luck to those that will continue in the struggle. To the Devs Good luck with whatever BS you think you are preventing and have fun with the mess you created.
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