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Everything posted by cparks70402

  1. everyone says blasters base damage is higher than brutes for example. is this the base damage of an attack? or something else? also i hear the word "multiplyer" is higher for blasters I dont really understand what that means?
  2. Brutes do need a nerf. Fury is giving way too much bonus damage. Combine this with a build up, rage, and base damage res and def as a tank you have an over the top class.
  3. the most ive seen someone with is 1525, is there for badges than that?
  4. i mean weakest as in hp.
  5. well ya there is if 1 class can solo everything it would make all the other classes completely pointless. i cant solo an av/gm on my blaster.
  6. isnt there something fundamentally wrong with the game if the weakest class, with the fewest attacks, lowest damage, and weakest debuffs can solo something that requires 8 people to take down?
  7. I have no idea what the legal stuff of coh is as far as modifing the game. In the future will homecoming be able to make content such as new power sets, costume, zones etc? or do they not have the rights to do these things? I would like to see psi shields some day!
  8. just to be clear i deleted the thread because of how toxic it was becoming. as the GM said in a previous post lets not name call people.
  9. its a test someone told me to do.
  10. ok this chart doesnt prove anything except that a malee attack used by a blaster does more damage than a brute? im guessing the higher the number the more damage output. so according to the chart bright and dark nova forms do more ranged damage than blasters, and scrappers do the same amount of damage as blasters. also no where on the chart does it account for each classes buffs or debuffs.
  11. i think youre the only person who doesnt use any kind of facts to prove i was wrong. in your words im wrong for the sake of being wrong. grow up.
  12. im not understanding what your showing me. corr blasing bolt did 734 damage. the blasters didnt hit for that much. correct me if im wrong but your blaster only used blasing bolt, fire sword and hot feet oh and i think i saw blase once.
  13. the base damage of blasters is more, but its the scourge proc that literally doubles the damage of the attack. this doesnt account for corr being able to buff their damage or debuff their target. so the results are still the same, corr do more damage.
  14. i did a small test to see which one does more damage. i made a lvl 1 fire corr and fire blaster. i only attacked lvl 1 minions and killed 10 on each char. i added up the total damage each one did. the corr and blaster where both using fire blast and only that power. both where hitting for 8 damage on the 1st attack. the blaster was hitting for 9 damage on the 2nd attack. the corr seemed to proc the fire dot more often than the blaster and scourge was hitting for 16 damage. this test was also with no buffs from outside sources, or reds, only using the base damage of the attack. the blasters total damage on 10 different lvl 1 minions was 229 damage. the corr total damage done on 10 different lvl 1 minions was 322 damage. so overall corr do quite a bit more damage than blasters. this doesnt account for buffs or debuffs that each class can give themselves. just the base of the attacks.
  15. i just made another account im trying to login to both is there something special i need to do? this account logs into the forum just fine but in coh it keeps saying invalid name or password.
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