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Everything posted by Qinelenlea

  1. Yes, I've seen players flame other players for getting booted because of their asshatery and being a total lugnut. It shows their true colors as bad omens and I usually mute/ignore them because they are likely to try to cause damage to myself or friends in General chat or other app. I agree with Ironblade's point of view in "so what" approach; however, I think there are additional ways of dealing with the miscreants. Equally, this is a good indicator they are not good material for Super Groups, as I may not be a SG leader but I am on the council of one and have weight on who is accepted and passed for an invite.
  2. I've seen good leaders do fantastic by the group by offering help when can and doing what is necessary to ensure the group is successful, ie,. being of good cheer in a talkative by not being an overly chatty kathy, knowing what to do in missions and not completely lost like a newb, and not acting like a total douchebag by being a control freak by tossing players simply because they may not agree with one of the players. In the past, I've been booted from groups for "offering a beer" in chat (yeah, someone actually got bent over that), offering to seek an object while invis (ninja), getting defeated too many times - too many dies (Yeah I was booted from a farm because I wanted to increase the defeat value on a new brute I created and the leader took offense and booted), and other insane ways people can show in how thin their skins really are. There is another similar topic about poor leaders that has me rather irritated; when I'm on my farmer and see someone posting for a needed task force or mission and asking for other players, only to get a "oh we filled up and don't need any extras at this time" after I have been told there is a secured spot and have jumped out of the farm and moved over to the other toon which doesn't take but a few moments (No I don't stop at any vending machines etc as this is not the sign of a good player to do when people are waiting). Good leaders show their true ability to lead by being patient when needed and not jumping at every 'shiny" (another player that sent an PM while I'm transferring to the alt) player and is readily accessible for a quicker launch by a few seconds. Bad leaders can be described in a number of ways and probably a good reason why a number of players find it hard to get groups because simply said; "We decent and good leaders and followers do not wish to tolerate your BS."
  3. Is there plans to add new titles? If so, can the Dev's add Hunter and Huntress to the list?
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