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Argentum Draco

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Posts posted by Argentum Draco

  1. i was mistaken that you were 100% incorrect: you were right that there is a system note that a minor amount of end is returned, however, due to the fact that the monitored stats has no perceptible change in end when the opportunity procced, other than base rate and stamina I will change my statement to you are 90% incorrect.


    Instead of listing your story of hours logged to imply experience, try instead to list actual facts, being as it is your claim that endurance was actually returned. where are your logs listing this return? where is the data?


    all you list is your observations, including your personal modifications (why are you testing endurance  returns on a build with prefomance shifter?).  

  2. Question: how good are you at timing your Opportunities? I ask because the only thing i found lacking on Invulnerable, early on, was a bit more healing, to the point that i was comparing my Regen Sents as more invulnerable than my Invulnerable one (at the time, I could only handle one Invulnerable because, well, it just felt squishy). then i started to learn about the Sentinel mechanic, namely the Defensive Opportunity. 


    Breaking it down: each attack you make adds to your Opportunity bar, that slowly depletes on its own, but quickly drains if you switch targets (focus fire is key here). When the bar is Maxed a almost-glowie humm starts, and your first two attacking powers (the first two powers in the list, not the first two powers you personally picked) gain rings around them, one is Red, the other Green. No matter which of these two powers you choose to attack with, a bright ring using your color schemes will be displayed at the enemies feet, highlighting that enemy for the rest of your group. now anyone who attacks this enemy will receive a special boost: +20% Damage if an Offensive Opportunity (the red option) is taken, or 20% of damage done returned as healing if the Defensive Opportunity (the green option) is selected.


    utilizing these two mechanics, you will find your damage output increased, and your survival easier. And if you group with people, your teammates will appreciate the additional damage, or the occasional health return. 

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