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Posts posted by Knyghte

  1. I must be missing something obvious. How do we change out title after it has been set?


    Not badge titles.


    It didn't occur to me to go into the level up page at the trainer. So I found it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Are we ever going to get a melee primary class with support features?


    Ideally, Secondaries that split support features and armor features would be really nice. They'd never quite be the healers and buffers of the ranged classes, but it would be nice to drop a shield, put up whirlwinds, or throw some heals on the party at ground zero.



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  3. I really wish there was a way to choose different sounds for the sonic attacks.


    As a bird type character, it would be nice to have some bird screech sounds.


    I would also love to see some feather body parts and skins.  We have fur body and legs, but no feather body and legs to go with the bird talons feet and bird heads.

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  4. So I made a character that really needs a gown, like the Carnival Illusionists wear or something akin to that. I am not seeing anything like that in the costuming, does anyone know if there is, and if so where I would find it?



  5. Back during Beta testing and during the first few years the game was live, I started every character in Galaxy City. The music, the urban feel of the zone, grinding through Constellation Row and Gemini Park were part of the draw. Over time, I had started a dozen characters there. It was home. Somehow it was more home than my home in RL (as sad as that is to say). I miss being able to start up a new character in my old home and play through the way I did back in he day.


    Many will say, "Well just go to Ouro and run around in Echo GC. But that really isn't what does it for me. I sorely miss being able to play through the missions and the early content of this great zone.


    My hope is that there are enough people out there who feel the same way I do about GC. That my plea will not go unheard.


    Please bring back GC.

    • Like 4
  6. @Psyonico, thanks for the non-abrasive reply.


    To those who felt like posting more abrasive replies. I hope you have a better day than you are having now.


    I should point out that I checked Discord first, and the server status said up and running. Then came here and found nothing. No banner, and no posting from the team.

  7. Ho all,


    I am coming back after being gone for a few months. Before leaving I was running maxed settings and getting FPS in 50+ range. I come back today and I am getting ~10 FPS. I obviously missed something while I was gone and need some help getting it stabilized.

  8. I am a little surprised there isn't more support for this to be honest. I figured others would feel the same. Perhaps even a thread stickied to the top of the page would work, though I feel that a separate forum would be better with subforums for the servers. I won't bump this thread again, I was just a bit shocked.

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