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  1. UPDATE. as some people have moved up & some people have moved out.. 1. hells 2. xhiggy 3. Poned 4. RavenFrost 5. mjb 6. Liberty 7. vegetableknife 8. tempty 9. smallz 10. Hinden honorable mentions to charlie, dan, kyle, gore, tanzie & someone else im forgetting that either plays for vori, ren or incursion.
  2. Sloth says hello.
  3. You won’t get one. they don’t care.
  4. Do you even play city of heroes?
  5. Damage.. numbers? lol Clearly stated “my own perspective/opinion/experience” and “target calling, locking and evasion”, no?
  6. I love this & most of these players are also featured on MY list. however, biased or not we really can’t get an accurate list going without including rare/gboti members. I’m sorry.
  7. If you are dissatisfied or confused by your ranking, feel free to message me privately with why & how you would like to be placed. I take all appeals into consideration, however you are not guaranteed that your motion will be granted. thank you.
  8. Hey guys, So after releasing my list of Top 10 emps in the game, many of you began requesting a list of the top 10 offense. Unfortunately, there's way too many of you guys to recognize only ten players, so I've decided to list the top twenty. Again, this list is based *solely* on my own perspective/opinion/experience, I've taken into account target calling, locking and evasion. Please let me know what you think below! 1. Silit 2. Vinnie 3. Liberty 4. mjb 5. Dexington 6. Justin 7. Void 8. z 9. HP 10. March 11. Silent Method 12. m3z 13. Fire Wire 14. Chris (on target) 15. Spec 16. Gunrock 17. Mallex 18. dan 19. Dak 20. hells
  9. That’s five tankers too much, tbh.
  10. Since when was 1pm EST an all around decent time for everyone? It's only really decent for EU players, please kindly advertise the event as such.
  11. I think the better question is, why hasn’t anyone posted a more accurate list? since mine is so “egregious”. 🙄
  12. I don’t know who needs to hear this but you really shouldn’t thaw frozen pizza.. the directions clearly state to put it directly from the freezer into the oven..
  13. This list is hella biased, there are other groups besides rare.. 😳
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