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Everything posted by FateWeaver

  1. Decided to clean house and release several names, they may not be the greatest but I'm sure they will find a good home. Name Unknown Masked Hero Unmasked Hero Masked Villain Unmasked Villain Skyborne Skycaller Time Flux Time Spiral Earth Shatter Staticflux Face Off Genesis X Genesis Project Genesis Man Genisis
  2. I am fairly ignorant when it comes to in-game mechanics and making powerful builds has never been on the top of my to-do list. I normally build for RP or just a cool/fun concept. However with Marine my curiousity got peaked, with that I know storm is a fairly weak blast set right now (from what Im told) along with being slower, and Marine also looks like it needs time to ramp up. Will this powerset combo even be decently playable? I play primarily solo but do enjoying teaming when I find that option available. I'm not really sure how to properly ask what I'm thinking, I don't care if it's an epic super powered combo but I would like some opinions or facts on how strong it will be, how well it will play, any major weaknesses or strengths i guess. Thank you in advance.
  3. I don't know if its just my imagination not working (which is most likely) or what but I was wondering if i could get some help from all you forum goers. I need a very RP friendly name for an Ice/Ice sentinel. I'd prefer something relating to ice or the like, in the name if its possible.
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