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  1. ah okay, bummer. i wish they haddent then, i really dont like jumping pool. hmmm looking over the build now. if i take the route of dropping the flight tree, i lose evasive maneuvers as well. leaping doesnt have anything to equal that. im already in the teleportation pool for teleport target so i could do teleport as my travel power, and then use your other suggestion of taking infiltration to replace hover. This leaves me with a both a power and even a pool freed up to get something else to cover the loss of evasive maneuvers..... hmmm what about leadership pool with maneuvers for a toggle team wide +def? would that be comparablish? Or if im just totally butchering this then please let me know what would be a good alternative from your original build, cause i am so bad at this lol.
  2. Hmm so i was curious after reading this and thought maybe it was correct cause i couldnt recall if i had ever tried using hover while still as low to the ground as i could go and i didnt think i had. So just now went and tried it, using hover, closest to the ground i can get, but no, the seismic force stacking buff still doesnt trigger. Is there something that the enhance set you chose that maybe effects that? Admittedly im not 50 and havent started building out the sets yet, just using DO/SO at the moment.
  3. Hey JJD! So ive been enjoying your builds! So many good ones. so far really enjoying this Seismic/regen sentinel build. But i did have a question, trying to understand the choice to go with hover/fly over combat jumping/super jumping. Now dont get me wrong, as travel powers go i way prefer flight over jumping. For seismic power pool, the seismic pressure stacks you generate from your attacks only happens when your in contact with the ground so when your flying or hovering during combat you dont generate any stacks. Is hover just a mule for enhancement set bonuses in this case and your never meant to turn it on then? Again not critiquing at all, i love your builds! Just trying to understand so i play them the way they were intended 🙂 Thanks!
  4. So i had to dig up my login for this forum, couldnt remember it, dont know that ive posted much before but felt this was worth it. Thank You JJD! This thread is amazing! The number of builds provided in here is AMAZING! A literal gold mine. Any time i get the itch to roll a new alt (which happens like every other day lately) i spend half a day just trying to find a build that matches the combo/theme/AT im picturing in my head, and often failing, especially for the less played AT's. Im horrible at creating builds, its just too much for me to juggle and keep track. so people like you who can do this are like watching Yo-Yo Ma play a concert, just mind blowing. Im not posting for any builds at this time, i might in the future, but for now im just perusing this thread and trying out ideas. Thank you again so much for all of this!
  5. Where did you see this?
  6. same issue here as well
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