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Reddy Kilowatt

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Posts posted by Reddy Kilowatt

  1. I made one last night, went to pocket D, talked to the sea gull and an to King's Row and took the train to Atlas..

    I ran the first 3 missions, leveled twice.

    Then I notice I wasn't gaining any influence...  Do I have to level and Arachnos Soldier on Red side, then use tips and that story line to move to the blue side?

  2. I was bad and made a copywrited toon concept costume and name...  I log'd into a different toon and saw a message about a name change. Figured I would do it later...

    Log'd into the toon that need a name change, how do I change the name...??? 

  3. Electric, Electric, Electric Blaster constructed for melee, hold & Pb. Played it years ago.


    Does anyone have a build or link to anything like this...


    Trying to reinvent the wheel...

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