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  1. I’d say the way to do it, would be as the OP said, have accolade powers that are low level. But the trick is then to not make them available through ouro. So people either have to do them as they level, or SK to someone that level who has the mission. Much like you used to have to with Cavern of Transcendence.
  2. Thank you yet again for the pointless insults. I doubled down on it because you clearly were not, and still are not, getting the point of my previous post. Something which apparently you are incapable of comprehending, so I won’t be bothering again. Secondly, I’ve said at no point that I can’t handle +4/8. Most of my l50 tankers have been able to quite happily solo the majority of that content bar some of the AVs on their own, and I’ve teamed my way through the majority of the content in the game quite happily and safely, thanks for your concern though. Look. if you are dead set against any changes to aggro cap, then that’s fine by me. I have no issue with that. But please leave the poor attempts at insults at home and only come back to me if you actually want to have a genuine discussion.
  3. Tanks can play the end game content as well as lvl 1-50 though... And though they can then fire judgement off on 40 targets they can still only aggro 17. Which is precisely what I’m saying doesn’t make sense. I mean if you want to look at lvls 1-50 A lvl 1 tank doesn’t even want to aggro 5 enemies, let alone 17. A lvl 32 might be happy with the 17. But at 50 there’s no need for such a low cap. So If you’re bringing 1-50 in to it then a better solution imo would be a scaling aggro cap as you lvl. Start with a base value of say 5, then get an extra +1 every other level. lv 1 = 5 lv10 = 10 lv 20 = 15 lv 30 = 20 lv 40 = 25 lv 50 = 30 Stops lowbies of all ATs drawing too much heat, but lets 50s hold aggro of a full +4/8 mob spawn without ending up with stragglers running off or attacking teammates/lore pets etc.. if you really wanted to do it properly and specialise the ATs a bit more then Brutes could get +1 every 3rd level(roughly), and everyone else every fourth. Leaving final caps at: Tank - 30 Brute - 22 Others - 17 Again as I said, I know it’s not going to happen. But the aggro cap is still living in i5, and the rest of the game is on i25.
  4. Three times now, on different toons. When entering the PI police station to talk to the detective I have ended up with a weird GFX bug that puts you under the floor. This persists back in PI itself and after zoning to missions. Zooming in puts you effectively in first person mode. Zooming out puts you back under the floor again. All UI is still working as normal. resetting zoom and /stuck do not rectify it, only closing client and restarting. It has only ever happened to me when entering the PI detective building. I’ll grab a screenie next time it happens
  5. I remember them bringing in the fear component, and the Devs daft argument that it was supposed to be a crowd control power. That was round when they dropped the dmg output on it too. But even then it was purely DoT as far as I remember? I never remember it being front loaded on my fire brute when villains launched anyway.
  6. It is by far the most stupid mechanic in the game I think the way they come in waves as their mates get defeated whilst others stand idly by. My primary issue with aggro cap these days is it was brought in back round The great nerfs of i5/6, when they also limited powers to 16 targets max. So the tanks aggro cap was one more than a blaster could nova for instance. Which kinda makes sense. However now there’s judgement powers that can hit 40 targets, yet a tank can’t even aggro half of that. Which just seems daft to me. I know it’s never gonna get changed. But I do think the cap is outdated personally given the endgame content and powers.
  7. I do find using burn a bit underwhelming now. I used to like seeing all the little numbers flying up from it and watching the health bars drop. It’s just a bit too similar to combustion now for me. Why did it change to be front loaded in the first place does anyone know?
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