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Posts posted by Etreus

  1. What I want is for the code of conduct rules to be enforced in general chat.   Unfortunately what we seem to have a lot of is skilled trolls who know how to skirt the edges of those rules.  They manage to create a negative environment while doing nothing "technically" against the rules, even if they're violating the spirit of them.  It creates a situation where there is no active server wide off-topic channel.  


    I'd honestly be happy if we can get everyone to follow a single rule, since the collection seems to be so complicated.  "Don't be a dick".  Too bad for me, though, some people get off on finding trolly ways to be a dick and not get in trouble for it.  Sucks to suck, I guess.


    • Hate speech:
      • Hate speech is defined as anything threatening or abusive towards a specific group based on their race, religious beliefs, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity
    • Controversial and adult content, including:
      • Sexual, provocative, pornographic, or adult content
      • Violent content
      • Controversial religious content
      • Anything involving controversial real-world individuals or organisations
      • Anything involving sensitive events, both current and historical
  2. Global chat channels are a thing already, and if someone makes one(or has made) and makes the rules part of the MOTD it absolutely can happen.  General chat this morning is ranging from homophobia, xenophobia, abortions, and plenty of other toxic topics.  the world is a shitty enough place right now without bringing stuff like that into my leisure time.  Leaving general chat has now become part of making a new character because of how awful it is.  But there's not a better option for talking about off-topic things like comic books, movies, tv shows etc.  


    Adding general chat as a global default channel has made the game worse. 

  3. I'm so interested in a "general" chat that has some rules.  The default general added by the Homecoming team is becoming hot trash.  I'm trying to play this game as an escape, but it's constantly flooded negativity of various flavors.  I'm looking for a more moderated chat channel that doesn't allow talk of politics, religion, and other controversial topics.  I'd like to just be able to dish about fun pop culture stuff and the game, basically.


    Does a channel like that exist already?  If no, is there interest in making one?


    I'm more of a follower than a leader, tbh, so I really don't know how I'd go about starting something like that and maintaining it is very intimidating to me.  

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