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Ender Shadowborne

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Everything posted by Ender Shadowborne

  1. Good, but a lot of the techniques used have been deprecated (Or is it depreciated?) or... in other words... are now obsolete, the guides are pretty much incomplete based on research I've done, and are otherwise unclear on these things... ADDENDUM: So COH runs on the SEGS engine and is actually OPEN-SOURCE! How convenient, though I'd imagine that the skills required is pretty high up there... ADDENDUM 2: Looking further into it, I don't see how the engine is even usable, being as the 7z file and the folder, even the "client" is missing executables, could be SEGS, could be something totally proprietary, I don't know anymore
  2. I literally watched my parents go after some with lvl 50 characters, working on their incarnates... But okay... *shrugs* What do I know?
  3. *shrugs* I mean... I *DID* read it... but I'd imagine that you'd need to read their given powers, plus, it sounds like they're available at level 50-54, so...
  4. And the costume pieces, too!
  5. The Nictus kinda already ARE in AE, but the Warshade Archetype should be in AE, that's for sure, and the Peacebringer AT, too!
  6. Ahh true, also hey, been a while
  7. That'd probably be one of the possible methods?
  8. Y'know, my dad (Korde) had the same idea, the ability to get REALLY in-depth with maps, to the point of being able to make custom maps! But I guess that would require access to the game's engine (I'd imagine it's an in-house made engine by Cryptic back in Live), and even if that wasn't a problem, it'd probably be too painful to even make a reality
  9. Yes, it's visible from the fragment, last I checked, that is...
  10. Noodles from Praetoria, I like your thinking, and I want this, too! XD Just so terrifying! XD There's "Oh yes, I'm going to fight sneks" and then you get in there *pulls out a beam rifle* "Oh shit!" XD
  11. There's already a map that takes place in space; the Shiva fragment
  12. Ahhh I had mentioned that Like so
  13. You mean extra dialogue options?
  14. I.... believe so....
  15. Another well-structured point, lots of things to take care of, and typically need to be sorted from highest-priority downward, and because my idea's more of a concept/theoretical, kinda puts its own priority pretty down low
  16. *shrugs* Kinda why this is more of a "concept" more than a real "suggestion"... kinda worked in my mind, wanted to see what others thought... X_X
  17. Oh yeah, like the Kheldians with their shapeshifting abilities?
  18. You do pose a valid point, though, because I like unusual things, a Rikti with different powersets would be pretty interesting to me, but then again, that's just my opinion...
  19. Easy, just use the same assets that makes the Rikti customizable in AE as a starting foundation, and if the devs decide to get more extravagant, they can build from that
  20. Someone here suggested that before, can't remember who or when though...
  21. Which kinda defeats the purpose of the Traditionalists being a blueside-friendly group....
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