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  1. I'm trying to create a macro that executes the 'mission transporter' power, but it doesnt do anything. anyone know the proper/correct name for this power for a macro? PS- same issue with 'Assemble the Team' power...
  2. Could someone PLEASE make the chat window selector buttons a teeny bit bigger? They're hard to read being that small...
  3. I will try that, thanks!
  4. The char is a Sentinel
  5. I am monitoring my Level shift, Inf, and somehow something called 'inherent'. I've tried multiple times to remove 'inherent' but whenever I zone or relog, it just comes back... anyone know how to get rid of this?
  6. Not sure where's the best place to post suggestions, so here i am; It would be really helpful if the chat window would show a person's global name along with char name; like- @Radamand:Mox Ruby or Radamand@Mox Ruby I know you can look it up manually, but its an extra step that really isn't needed. Just an idea, give it a thought.
  7. Okay, stupid noob question- What is meant by a "T1" or a "T2" power? I have no idea what this is referring to.
  8. Is there a users guide to Mids? theres a couple things i cant figure out... where do i see how many slots and powers i have left to choose? How do I remove an empty slot from a power?
  9. Where do I get it and install it? Ive been looking but don't see it anywhere. It's probably staring me right in the face i'm sure...
  10. Where do I download the client? how do I connect? also, whats the difference between homecoming and torchbearer?
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