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  1. My past 2 weeks of doing many hours of radio teams with no selection process for people joining. Just whoever I get including level 1s at times. Running at +2 or +3, from levels 5-49. That's it for me here. I've made my suggestion and repeatedly had to point out things I already said, or point out things I didn't say. I am aware that opportunity cost is a thing, and that it takes time to implement a change. What I'm seeing here, however, is just people wildly unaware that their niche of how they play does not encompass how many other people play and pretending that adding options for others is inherently a negative.
  2. I don't even have a level 50 character. Again, people here need to realize that for many people the game has nothing to do with level shifted 50 content. Also, your claims about various levels "not mowing through" things are just objectively false.
  3. I'm aware the team is small and voluntary. They put up a forum for suggestions, so I made one. I would like to remind everybody that even in a niche community/game like CoH is at this point there is still a disconnect between people who frequent the forums and the bulk of players. It seems clear that the people posting here have the mindset that anything pre-50 simply doesn't exist; everything must be in the context of level shifted 50s with fully tweaked builds. That is not the entire game, and for very many people, isn't the game at all.
  4. Your suggestion to build a better team is not viable. I'm not talking about level 50+ content where everybody has immaculate builds. I'm talking about leveling characters with the thousands of people who just like to play casually and level characters, many of whom have never heard of MIDs, let alone used it. Just to re-iterate, those +4/+5s were never a threat. All the minions died in the first wave of Aoe, the LTs. a few seconds later. Then the bosses lasted another minute+. Things should be very dangerous if the tank doesn't pick it all up. That's the point of tanks. The damage characters should be happy to encounter a good tank that is good at collecting everything, and should think twice about wandering into another pack without paying attention or going hard on mobs the tank is still herding.
  5. To be clear, the purple patch did not own anybody. It just took ages to kill the bosses in the pack because the team is hitting roughly 50% of the time. In what appears to be a shock to people here, level 50+ is not the only place people play the game. And no, you did not understand it-I do not prefer being weak. I've repeatedly said improving our characters is a key factor of the game. I also specifically said I'm not advocating for global changes to the game. I'm advocating for an addition to the notoriety system to give people more options for their missions. So you're voting no on something you don't want, even if it would have no impact on you. Lovely.
  6. I never said I want +0s. I have no issue with slotting for accuracy. I said that even at +3 mobs get deleted in second, even in a team of 10-30s when all sidekicked up to 30-40whatever to join a team. The only way, currently, to make the mobs last longer / be more of a challenge is go to +4. At that point the entire team just misses a lot. Are you suggesting that every character have ~240% accuracy by around level 10 so they can hit the +5s they'll encounter on somebody else's +4 mission? That's more reasonable than an increase mob health?
  7. I never once suggested I refused to use the IO system. I do slot 2 accuracy SOs. Depending on Inspirations is not a real solution. I do take tactics on nearly every character. Again, I never suggested I refuse to improve my character. I specifically said the opposite. If you still refuse to read my posts, I'd suggest that maybe the problem isn't with my post. Again, I never suggested not using IOs. Another poster did that, and I specifically pointed out that was never part of my intent, nor did I ever say anything close to it.
  8. Perhaps I wasn't clear. Currently to increase difficulty we only have one option: increase the level of the enemies. This makes them hit harder, and gives them more health. Much more importantly it makes them harder to hit. I want to be able to increase their damage output and their health, without making them harder to hit. Missing isn't fun. It is, in fact, anti-fun. But I want the mobs to be alive long enough to actually use our cool powers, and I want them to be dangerous enough that a tank feels useful. As to your other point, about forming a SG, I will re-iterate that nerfing ourselves is not fun. A foundational component of any game like this is improving your character. I do not want to gimp myself. I enjoy things like theorycrafting, and working toward improving my character. Currently, if you do that at all you're left in the situation I described. Mobs you toss aside like paper, or 50%+ misses. To be clear, I'm not suggesting blanket changes to the game. I'm well aware many people are happy with how things are. I'm suggesting additional options to the notoriety settings so we can choose changes like this or not. Yes, I mentioned a bit of that in my post. When I run radio teams 95% of the people I get are lower level than me, so +3 is +4 for them which means a lot of missing...un-fun.
  9. I would really like it if there were ways to make missions more difficult that didn't make +accuracy the king of all stats. Currently, if I gather up a team to run radio missions I have two options: Every mob dies in a few seconds and things get boring fast. Set the mission to +4 and everybody whiffs half their attacks, the mobs live longer, but missing is incredibly un-fun. Over the past 2 weeks I've run many many hours of radio missions ranging from level 5 to 49 and these seem to be the only 2 outcomes. I don't even have any level 50s or crazy set-enhanced characters. I've tried running 3 or 4 person groups at +3/x8, specifically filling the group with no 50s or set-enhanced people, and it mitigates the issue somewhat, but ultimately the real thing keeping the mobs alive longer than 5 seconds is missing because if the mission is +3 to me, it's +4 to most of the people in the group and, again, missing isn't fun. What I'd like to see, in addition to the level slider for notoriety, is health and damage multipliers for the enemies. I just want to actually play the game. My goal is not to rush to 50, or farm tons of influence to pimp out a 50. My goal is to just have fun playing, and for that to happen the enemies have to be alive long enough to actually play; and keeping them alive by forcing us to miss 50% of attacks is very frustrating. In addition to the mobs dying too fast, I am shocked at how easy it is to tank right now. I leveled a tank to 49 in radio missions and by about level 25 I was at the point where even on a +4 all I needed was minimal healing maybe once or twice a pack, often needing none at all. Sure, I could not enhance my toggles, or turn them off, but forcing my character to be worse is the same thing as making accuracy all that matters. Making our characters better is a key component of any game like this, so instead, the mobs need to be better. They need to hit harder, and probably more often. So that the difference between a scrapper and a tank focused on mitigation is a meaningful difference. And so having good support in the group actually makes a difference. TL;DR: Can we get a notoriety setting that makes mobs have more HP, hit harder, and (maybe) be more accurate--without us needing 328942% boost to accuracy?
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