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Posts posted by DancesWithDanes

  1. Streakbreaker:  Get rid of it. Alternatively, if you feel you MUST keep it, please re-evaluate the access that mobs have to -def and improve the -def resistance for those heavily reliant on it as a primary defense.


    Respecs:  Please stop messing with my trays. Just leave everything where you found it. If I no longer have the ability, fine, delete it from my tray. But don't touch the things that don't need to be messed with. Thank you.  


    Bugs in text entry boxes:  When putting certain text in ID or in AE, the system seems to freak out and begin... well. It almost registers typing, then moves the cursor, then I type again and it adds back in the missing letters or forces a return. Not fun.


    Someone else said it, but I agree that it'd be something I want to see. Overhaul the emphasis on damage/kills for experience. I have no suggestions at the moment on how to implement this, but I would honestly love to see it.


    Rewards for carrying: I'm running into groups where I can tell folks aren't slotted to any sort of level. Those buffers/healers/controllers who are having to work overtime to make up for people on their team not being able to afford their enhancements at best deserve a little extra something something for making up the difference of someone else trying to skate by. Maybe a system check and give the "Windfall" bonus to buffers/controllers working on a team where half or more are registering "not fully slotted/enhancements not useable"?

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