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  1. I am working on a fire / marine corr. I skipped Shoal Rush on it and haven't really missed it. Tide pool doesn't aggro which makes it nice for setting up on mobs. Toroidial Bubble I use to mule a bunch of resist procs, 2 unbreakable guards, the status resist procs, and the two defense procs. I did take stealth in my build, but stealth will not cover barrier reef. Once you put the pet out if it is close enough it will aggro the mobs, but the mobs will target it instead of you so it could be used to take an alpha hit. The pet can also have Shifting Tides cast on it instead of an enemy. I really enjoy Whitecap, just that soft control with the knockdown on top of Tide pool helps lessen the incoming damage. Though with Whitecap weaker mobs get knockback instead of knockdown.
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