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  1. Hey JJDrakken, Thanks for clarifying about Electric Cages on Mu Mastery—I didn’t realize Scrappers couldn’t get it there, and I appreciate the heads-up. As for high resists on a Defense set, I’m aware it can be tricky, but many players still build for both Defense and Resist to manage harder content. I’m just looking for a workable mix, which is pretty standard in City of Heroes. And by “high,” I just mean relatively high within the constraints of the possibilities. I’m really not sure why you find my requests “absurd.” I’ve asked about three builds in the past (fairly straightforward ones, in my opinion) because I enjoy exploring different options and pushing into higher difficulties with my characters. If there’s something specific you think I’m overlooking, I’d appreciate constructive feedback instead of blanket statements. Anyway, thanks again for the info—I hope we can keep things a bit more productive going forward.
  2. Can u make me a Scrapper Build with Ice Melle and Energie Armor? Should be for Solo 4+/8 Content as good as possible. So a lot of Resistance would be nice in addition to the Defense from the Set. Damage important as well 🙂 For the Epic would Mu Mastery for Elektric Cages and Ball or Fire with Fireball nice. Whatever fit into it 🙂
  3. Hey JJDraken, thanks so much for the build! It really helps an altaholic like me a lot! Could you create a build for a Corruptor with Energy / Kinetics? I’m aiming for some strong team action. It would be great if we could stick to the hero epic powers. Thanks in advance!
  4. May i ask for a Illu / Time Troller with the following extras: Solo 4/+8 Fireball Perma Hasten Thank you in advance
  5. May i ask you for a Psy / Psy Blaster Build? Should be a good Solo Build. Dont know if +4/8 is possible with a blaster, but the goal is to make this my new Story Toon. Epic pool would be nice if it fits the theme. Kind regards
  6. Hello JJDrakken, im a big fan of your work! Is there a Chance to get a build for a Dark / Dark Tanker. Please with Fireball in it and a balance between max DMG and good Res/Def for easy and fast +4/8 Mission Arc of any kind.
  7. First of all thanks a lot for the Huge number of answeres in this short period of time. @Bastille Boy I have used to play CoX befor it went down a lot. And now im in it again for 3 Weeks. So relatively new in this state but i have some experience in COH. Hmm, i got a Time/Fire Corrupter which i have recently brought to 50. After all the answeres i guess this is one of my best bets. I have build im after a really god guide form the corrupter archetype forums. The only downside is that the build ist kind of expensive ( around a Billion i would say). So i have to do a lot of farming before getting there. I think the char is really fun and have a lot of potential. Further, i call a Fire/kin Controller which is on his way to 50 my own. He is really fun but i think the problem will be the AVs. The last Char i play a lot is my Illu/storm Controller. I think its the same as the fire kin = AV Problems on +4 As you can see im a little bit into Range/Support Chars. 🙂 Regarding your POSTS: -The whole Katana thing don’t really sound like a lot of AOE so i think that takes a lot of Speed and isn’t as i want it to be. -I don’t want to play a MM. I just think that the whole Class don’t suit to me as a good hero class (story wise) A hero who can call thugs and lay down traps? Not mine, but that’s personal. -Elec/Elec Stalker sound really cool to me and i will take a look a the Set optic and further if i can find some good builds in the archetype forum. -The Dark/Psy Dominator is looking really really interesting to me and i will take a look at it. But i feel/think there is a lack of killing large Spwans (8) good and efficient right? - Rad/Sonic Defender? I get the feeling that nearly every combo on a Defender ist better on a Corrupter, especially when you are soloing. So Sonic/Rad could be an option. and i already have a Corruptor i can imagine the story lines with (Time/Fire). -But Rad in general don’t look so amazing to me ( not from the debuff side, more from the optics, sorry im a diva what when it comes to look :D) -The whole Armored Natur/Armored Water thing is out of my understanding. Is there a Water Armour set? I don’t think so right? So sorry for not understanding. - Rifle and DP are another set i really don’t like personally because of the hero thing. So just my thought on the posts. And again, thank you so much for your Posts. Means a lot to me 🙂
  8. Hello Heroes and Villains! I just wondering what is the best Solo Char for doing Missions on +4/8 with AVs and everything. I know its a MMO which has Multiplayer in it but when you are on a Team you cant really read the hole Story behind each Arc and every Clue. It’s not really approved to say to a 8 Man Team : „Give me 5 Minutes to read the NPC Dialogue before we keep Going. So i just try to find a good Char for doing that. Most likely the one with the highest speed on doing that. On a side effect Iwant some kind of silent farming while that (that’s what why i want to go 4/8) and really want to feel the AVs (no -1 Elite Boss). I know that a Spines/Fire is the best „farmer“ but only for AE Missions with Fire Attackers only. I want to farm every Enemy Type in each Story Line. What you guys recommend for my purposes? P.S.: Sorry for my bad english, im german and my own Language is difficult enough 😛
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