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Posts posted by ranster44

  1.  I created this toon. Then as soon as I logged in someone offered to (and did) level me to 50 and give a bunch of $. So I made it on a lark and don't really know much about post 50 builds. I am also not sure how viable this build is. But I have a budget of 80,000,000 to 100,000,000 and am looking for build advice, or a blueprint even.  It's Dark/Energy Blaster and the idea was to debuff everything and keep it away from me.  Is this workable? Should I just level up a different build?



  2. 7 hours ago, Crimsonpyre said:

    You can skip the Holtz/Honoree part and save a bunch of time. Once Lady Grey gives you the mission go back to Ramiel and choose the auto complete. Then go back to Lady Grey and continue. Sure it's a little cheap, but unless your a masochist it's worth it.



    Thank you!

  3. 15 hours ago, Crimsonpyre said:

    First thing is to train ASAP when you hit 50, you won't start getting incarnate experience until you do.


    Next your first priority should be to get your Alpha incarnate slot open and slotted with a tier 3 power to get your level shift, which makes you level 51 when fighting everything. There is also level shifts for doing the same thing for your Lore and Destiny slots, but that shift only working in incarnate content. 


    The next thing you should work on is getting your 4 passive accolades unlocked.


       Thank you!

  4. On 8/22/2020 at 11:09 PM, Techwright said:

    Then you start feeling aches and pains, you don't move as fast, gain weight easier, probably need glasses...wait, we are talking birthdays, yes? :classic_unsure:


     Oh to be 50 again... I am way past that!

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Twisted Toon said:

    If I'm not mistaken, the travel power at level 4, Prestige attacks, and a few other things were already in the game before shut down.

    They were just locked behind a Veteran level (not level 50 vet level) dependent on how long you had that account.

    the more veteran levels you had, the more account perks you had available.


    Homecoming just put all that in the P2W vendor.


    Also, welcome home.

     To  me, Ninja run counts as a travel power. You can get it at level one.

  6. 14 minutes ago, cohRock said:

    There is one change I have very mixed feelings about -- insta-change alignment.  The positive side of that is that with a much smaller population than when the game was live, players can team anywhere. Hero/Villain/etc. doesn't matter.  But the not mattering is the negative -- Why bother with alignments at all when they literally do not matter any more?  So if CoH ever becomes legit and the population grows, my opinion is that this feature should be removed.


    And yes, my tanks and butes take Taunt.  Not taking it is like a stalker not taking their signature assassin move.  It is who you are!

      This would be one of those things that I would suggest self gimping on. Some people like it and I feel like those that don't are free to not utilize it.

    • Like 3
  7.  Travel powers at lvl 1. A free set of attacks at level one. Flight ect... At level 4. Stamina ect... NOW!!! I could go on and on. The quality of life changes are great here! (For the few old school people whom I've seen complain about that, you can self gimp and put restrictions on yourself if you need the game to be harder.) The dev team on CoH H has done an amazing job and I have a deep appreciation for them bringing back and IMPROVING my favorite online game. The community here is awesome too. I have encountered 0 griefing in the time I have been here and a great deal of help and patience as I get my feet back under me.
     Hilariously, my old school approach is a LOT different then some people's. Attitudes about builds and skills sets have changed. I was (kind of ) mocked by someone as I take taunt on all of my Tanks. I was told that the game had changed and it was now seen as unnecessary. Until said person saw it actually utilized. Seems they had never seen a Tank with taunt. LOL.  I also use KB on certain toons when in groups to pile up mobs against a wall or in a corner.  It's funny to me how different the average player views skills sets now versus back then. Most people I meet in game (which is very different than here on the forums) are purely about damage and don't usually understand how to use some of the skill sets functionality.  Of course much has changed (mostly for the better) since I last played. So I too, am very much still learning.
     I will never be an elite players with a billion dollar character, as I just don't have the time to devote to that, but I will always love this game AND the people that play it. I have never seen a more fun community than the one I have encountered here and for whatever flaws the game may have and complaints people might voice, this is a great game as is and I am very grateful to have it, especially through the current crisis we are having to live through.  Thank you to ALL of you for making a place where I can escape and find some joy!

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