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Posts posted by ranster44

  1.  Thank you for giving all of us a place to play CoH again. It has been far too long and I am basically having to relearn the game again. I have spent many hours in the last two weeks (Thanks COVID) playing and reading the guides. I have brought a couple of friends into the game that are genuine newbies. I have read dozens of VERY helpful character guides, and various other guides to help one manage this game and have fun. The community is great. Thank you all for the time it takes to compile and contribute all of that data. It really is extremely helpful. It's also a bit overwhelming. Some of you people have reached a level of expertise I could only dream of!  🙂
     I also wanted to say to people like myself that come in and might be a bit intimidated, just have fun. It doesn't matter if you play +4/+8, or if you don't even know what that means. You play your comfort level. The whole point of playing is to have fun. There is NO GRIEFING ever on these servers. People are nice. They either help you or leave you be. The game can be as intense or as easy as you want. I am remembering why this was my all time favorite video game. Great concept, great ATs, infinite choices, great community, great story lines ect... I love how this game has literally something for everyone and doesn't force you into much of anything. It can be as complicated as you want, or you can just run radio missions forever. You can group or play solo. You can powergame or just cruise. It's just an awesome game. And thank y'all (yes, I'm from Texas and I say "y'all' in real life) for making this available to me again!  ❤️

    • Like 7
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  2.  I played for a few years back in the day (10 years ago I think)... Just tried to Stakler builds for a few levels, Staff/Ninjitsu, SJ/SR. I'm in the teens with both. My question is, am I going to encounter major issues with either build as a solo toon? I am not ready to eam with anyone as I am still working on game knowledge, game mechanics, build strategies, ect... So I will be soling for a while. I am also open to ideas for a different build with the understanding that I don't have a super rich main toon to support them...

  3. 1 hour ago, GM Miss said:

    Hi newbie! Super excited to have you as part of our community! 


    I want to echo a few of the sentiments above with some of my own player preference thrown in. 


    I know you mentioned Dark/dark was a little complicated to manage and while Bio Armor is amazing with great potential to work with most things - there is a lot going on. A bunch of clicky uh oh powers and a few toggles you need to make sure you are swapping to and from to min max your build. 


    I would have suggested that you go with /willpower as well. Like mentioned above its sort of a sit and and forget it powerset that is actually very good. You can spend time focusing on your melee powerset! Katana is a great choice, enjoy! 

    As far as bases, anyone can get one and decorating is free! Just head over to your SG/VG registrar: https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Group_Registrar


    When you create an SG you automatically get a base - just head into the base portal located on most maps. Have fun! 

    Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I find this version with it's upgrades and tweaks more fun than the old MMORPG. Just gottta get my wheels on and then I will be looking for some people to play with. Thanks so much for the heads up on bases. I just need a place to store my stuff. You have done a really nice job here!

    I am going to try bio with another build. I played this gamew for a couple of years but it has just been so long I am having to relearn it, plus there are some new sets I have never seen before. Fun times await!

  4. I went with Katana/Willpower. I do appreciate all the help. I just need to get a character established then I can branch out.I seem to recall base building was a thing...I don't recall how one goes about acquiring a base... And where is this difficulty slider?

  5.  I played this game ages ago when it was on-line but it has been many years since I played. I'm looking for advice on a Scrapper build that is relatively newbie friendly as a starter build, with considerations to I know no one on this server and I will pretty much be playing solo until that changes. I Started a Dark/Dark but that is kinda hard to manage. Looking for something a little more user friendly.

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