Hello Defender's forum,
First let me thank you for taking the time in reading this. (I'm a waffler so I'll try not to stray)
So I've been playing the game for a couple of weeks and have tried various classes, however nothing has quite clicked. If I could have a literal melee version of the defender that would be perfect but such is life. Having said that I love the look of Def's and nature of their primary/secondary AT power types......so what to pick?
I love the radiation stuff and thematically it's a must, but I am struggling to pick either sonic/rad, rad/sonic or rad/rad. The problem is, I know just enough to realize that once you scratch the surface, there's a lot to consider: resistances, defense, healing etc and I just don't understand them well enough to know if any of these are more complimentary than the other. I really would appreciate some advice from those far more experienced.
I'll probably be doing a fair bit of soloing along with a little duoing on occasion. I'd like to see myself in an SG doing group content much more as I level this character though so in a perfect world I'd be using something that is helpful to others.
Thank you so much!