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Perfect Weapon

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Posts posted by Perfect Weapon

  1. Sorry super late.



  2. I have an Elec/TW tank as well and she is a beast most of time.  Few issues here and there, but if I'm smart then I can avoid or anticipate those.  I'm working the next two nights, but if I remember I'll post my build on Thursday.  I just wish TW had a power like "strength" that allowed you wield the weapon faster and maybe remove the momentum part.  Like in other RPG where you can wield a two handed weapon with one hand.  I'd be willing to sacrifice a power or something to get it.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Sovera said:


    The devs tried that as well, but it's night impossible to please everyone. The appeal of Rage is how it stacks to something brutal like 160% damage. To the point SS without Rage is crummy because it -can't- be good or Rage will blow the set out of the water. So their effort was met by a wall of resistance from the players who don't mind the constant crashing because they could enjoy the 160% damage boost.


    At the time the devs were only trying to do a pass of Rage, and there was so much resistance they gave up and with good reason. In order for Rage to be tweaked into losing its - frankly abominable - downsides will require a complete set re-design like Titan Weapons got.


    Guess I was unaware that they tried it before.  For me, personally, I don't mind the crash as I've made my Fire/SS pretty good so he can survive the crash, but I do see the appeal in not crashing and just have it available one at a time.

  4. 1 hour ago, Psyonico said:


    People keep saying this, and maybe I'm wrong, but I thought Rage didn't stack anymore?


    Here's a random question.  If they made it where Rage didn't have the crash but the trade off was it is not stackable would we be ok with that?

  5. As others have said play what you want.  I have every primary tank and I have taken taunt on all but the Rad/Rad since I wanted/needed an extra power slot.  He usually has no issue maintaining aggro until you get into multiple groups (plus his powers have auto taunts in them).  I am thinking about getting rid of it on the Elec/TW tank as her only real gap is accuracy against Arachnos so taking tactics over taunt will help.  Then again so will a yellow.  I team with mostly my SG and they are all great players who know what they are doing so I find myself taunting more out of reflex than necessity.  Take for example the KHANNNN TF I did yesterday.  My SG mate did not taunt with his Stone tank and I did with my Elec and was able to get aggro away from him maybe 50% of the time so instead of taunting I envenomed daggered.  

  6. For me it is my Fire/SS tank.  My first tank ever on live and with set bonus items I've made him as unkillable as I can while still being able to mop up mobs.   Does he have flaws?  Sure.  However, he can usually kill most anything first.

  7. On 3/19/2021 at 8:57 PM, Max Firepower said:

    I am trying to get a 50 with all Tanker primaries, and I have duplicates of several.  Dark is the only one I dread running.



    I do have every primary tank and Dark was not as fun to level. Went with Dark/Savage just because I didn't have any Savage toons.  If I had to do over again I'd go Dark/EM or even Ice from what I hear.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Sovera said:

    Mine was Ice/... I'm not sure if it was Dark Melee or Rad melee. I'm not saying the combo itself is bad, but hot damn I dropped it fast. Ice is super heavy on endurance and I'm not sure if Dark (pre AoE pass) or if Rad but I was wheezing for blue bar.


    I realized I was expected to spam Energy Absorption every spawn for my endurance to survive (and it was incapable of coping on a ST scenario) and just dropped it like a hot potato.

    I have an Ice/EM toon and can relate on the endurance part.  Even with Physical Perfection Epic she's still an endurance person of the night lol.  Adding Cardiac and Ageless helps a lot, but shouldn't have to.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Infinitum said:

    Well it's going to sound weird - because it's popular - but mine is Elec/mace.


    Huh, I guess I don't pay attention because I did not know this was popular.  I agree, mace for me just does not work and is one of the few tanker secondary powers I have never tried.

  10. We've done the best/favorite Tanker, so I'm curious as to what is the worst Tanker you've ever played?  The one you got to 50 just because you couldn't delete a toon?  Or the one you played until a certain level and is stuck there because you don't have the strength to continue it?


    I know this game provides the opportunity to make virtually anything good/work, so when I say "worst" I guess I mean the one that is not for you.  For me it was my Invul/Kinetic Melee.  For the life of me, I just cannot stand Kinetic Melee.  Slow animation, poor power choices, and damage so pitiful Council laugh at me.  The only reason he's at 50 is because I can farm.  Now he sits, stripped of his IO's, and only there because I want to keep the name for another toon.


    So, what's yours?

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  11. My Stone/Psi comes to mind in this scenario.  The damage output is fairly decent and with insight I get a pretty powerful hit, all things considered.  I have not run into another Stone/Psi yet, so is fun to play. Also seeing a Granite armor tank jump is fun.

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  12. I have a Bio/Staff tank and a Dark/Savage tank.  For Staff I took every single attack chain because I could fit it in and I liked more attacks.  On the dark armor side I skipped OP Gloom and Soul Transfer.  Soul Transfer just because you can buy a similar power from the P2W vendor.  OP Gloom I never really liked a power that you have to use your own HP to achieve a goal and while it does disorient I've found that with cloak of fear baddies are scared anyway plus have a -to hit so it's a win/win.  Like Apparition said don't skip Serpent's Reach as it is a ranged and nice power.  What else are you looking to do with the tank?  Epic set?  I did not take an epic with my Bio/Staff tank as I focused more on the leadership set and with Staff (even though the animation to pull it out is short) I have the idea of putting it away for like an AoE fireball.

  13. I've got a Psi Melee which I do enjoy and is quite fun.  I've seen Claws and Savage on some before since the recharge on Claws is quick and Savage has the TP attack.  Staff can give you the bonus of additional damage with the toggle on.  Just don't do stone melee.  Learned that one back on live lol.

  14. Hello fellow tankers!  Looking for some help on my current build.  Looking to improve def/resis where I can while still packing a decent punch.  I'm overall satisfied with the build, but I feel I'm missing something and it could be better.  Any suggestions are appreciated.



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