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Posts posted by PhaseZero

  1. 19 hours ago, Cipher said:

    Hey all,
    their automated response system is currently rejecting calls to all departments (incl. incident & outage reporting, technical support, and account & billing), so we're unable to obtain any more information at this time.




    Has to be a Zombie attack. Maybe the homecoming team let off to many special zombie events at one time and now all help is drooling walking around in circles looking at the flashing lights...... and manwiching on their co-workers.....

  2. 1 hour ago, drbuzzard said:

    I'm curious what the assumed value is for scourge as a damage multiplier. 

    I mean just comparing the scalars at 500%, it's got to be hefty. 


    .75*5 =3.75


    5.625/3.75 =1.5 so it better boost damage by 50% over time to make your case. 

    Damage - Paragon Wiki Archive

    Link above is basically the scaler you see when you make a character i believe is directional correct but really is not used in any mechanic in the game. When the game was new back when there there was like 4 tank power sets, no IO, inherent abilities or even a villain side it was pretty close to being correct.  For example a WS range dmg is 1.2 which the scaler would suggest they do more dmg than a blaster but they do not since they do not get above a T-3 attack in nova form. I would suggest if your curious for a compare just make a blaster and corruptor lvl 1 review the same powers and move the lvl scale to 50  to see the base dmg difference at 50.

  3. 4 minutes ago, ZemX said:


    Who said they were?  Certainly, I didn't.   So what's  to laugh at about comparing Sentinels to the two closest ATs in the game to... Sentinels?  Seems to me if you're balancing ATs, you look at similar ATs and try to fit them all in the spectrum somewhere.  Sentinels being roughly as sturdy as a Stalker but able to fight at range suggests to me they should do as much damage as Stalkers.  Ditto for Scrappers.


    That's not to say they do enough damage already.  It's saying they shouldn't be boosted beyond Scrappers or Stalkers because... what would justify that?

    I guess they could completely rework them and just make them like a vanguard in SWOTR. Or maybe increase their defense to a brute lvl. or keep them as they are and just add a teaming component to them just the veats and the heats.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:


    So what you're saying is, the problem with Sentinels is IO sets? 😜

    No i think he might be saying the do as promised. But not sure what he was getting at by most dmg. all scale 10 dmg classes have the same dmg bonus cap of 500 percent. In a league setting blasters do less dmg than a corruptor. Corruptors actually have a higher base dmg to the same power than a blaster by about 3 percent. The plus bonus dmg on a blaster's inherent is what makes they do so much dmg in a non league setting. a blaster inherent basically is null in void once the dmg cap is reached. But a corruptors crit is not. I am assuming the dmg bonus is 400 percent on a sent. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Nightmare Shaman said:

    It's always the same - People who either have never played or just don't play Sentinels complaining about Sentinels.  They're fine.  They are a niche and offer a different playstyle.  The complainers ALWAYS say "why play Sentinel when I can be a Blaster" or just complain about the damage OR the target caps.  (Target caps are annoying, I admit.)


    Essentially, the answer is simple.  You play a Sentinel if you want ranged damage plus full mez protection AND damage mitigation that you cannot achieve on the other ranged AT's.  No, they're not perfectly designed.  What AT is?  No, they're not over-powered.  But, nothing should be overpowered.  

    They have enough unique elements to make them stand out and what they have works just fine.  My AR/Elec Sentinel has 75% resists to S/L/E/F/C/Psi and around 61% NE and 30% toxic.  That's without any incarnate powers, just IO bonuses.  It hits hard with 4 inherent AOE's plus two from Mu Patron all with full mez protection, high resists to the main problem damage types, from range.  (Not to mention very high regen and a heal up around every 45 seconds - although I almost never use the heal anymore.)  I can solo +8/+2 without blinking.  I can do +4, but it's just more annoying and takes longer.  There are many builds that cannot do that.  

    There are several individual sentinel builds that could use some work.  Some elements of certain builds are counter-productive.  e.g. Builds were most of your damage comes from being in melee.  But, they are fun and effective to those who enjoy them.  If you haven't played one, you should take a look.  You have to really go through each and every primary and secondary because most have been altered in significant ways.  For example, AR has aim on Sentinels along with Full Auto having a 90 degree cone versus the 20 degree on blasters.  This makes a huge difference in how it's used.  Also, bean bag is gone and there is a new power called incinerator that is a high damage single target attack.  

    If you don't like them, it's probably because you either are hung up on the design or just don't like the mechanics.  I don't like playing controllers anymore.  So, I don't play them anymore.  Simple.

    Yes your correct i believe they do 100 percent of promised when you start one.  I think some people who started a sent bought an SUV and than at some point they think the SUV should really behave like a sports car.  The only thing i think is wrong with the game balance compared to sents is blasters hitting a defense cap. It is a general easy  issue to fix even though it is not popular they can simple clamp stats to the scaling results they want through all AT's, of course this removes the art work in game balancing and the fun we all having complaining 🙂

  6. 55 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    No, I was specifically talking about how armor set Y is a different set amongst ATs, as with SR thanks to Master Brawler, or how SR Evasion has a taunt aura for brutes/tanks but not scraps/stalkers, or how attack X doesn't share the exact same dam/end/recharge values across all ATs.

    Thanks for clearing what you mentioned up.  Sents are done differently and I am not sure why other than it was done after live and someone wanted to leave their unique mark. as for SR Evasion this would be AT modifier. I believe the stat modifier does work correctly between brute/tanks, scrapper/stalkers. Stalkers are a threat lvl 2 so would be a little silly for them to have a taunt aura , scrappers technically are not 1 of the 4 tank AT's so they really should not have any taunt aura on any power set.  but ya it really does make it harder to compare the sent secondary with other AT's

  7. 28 minutes ago, Pixie_Knight said:


    Regarding the published guides (think it was Brady)... Not only did those give horrible build advise such as "don't take your pets on a mastermind until your in the mid 20's, as I recall, but the useful information it did contain was invalidated within a month due to a patch to fix balance (and bugs).

    you might be thinking to linear. I actually did this with a demon MM and it was great till about 18. Than you know what i did? I respec and took my pets. Starting out with pets and no attacks is one kind of boring and 2 the pets are imo weaker than the attacks at lower lvls. I would recommend trying a MM with no pets till 16 to 18ish than respec and take the pets with no attacks and see what you think :).

  8. 29 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:



    If ask that question what is end game you get different answers. because greatest part of COH is it exemplar ability. Level 10 content can be challenge to a person that is 50 and worth while rewards.  When your in a league setting because of the incarnate and caps all a players hard work in building a toon is reduced. For the most part you can have only SO's and be equal to a billion influence toon. So in general this is seen as only a part of the game. So for game play the whole game is end game because it is important rewarding regardless of your vet status.  If you think I meant Storyline than Pandora chapter 5 is the end of the game.  What this has to do with sent is basically for 90 percent of the game they will have status protection and all the benefits that go with it over a blasters. The inherent on a sent is great when fighting AV and EB. and if you went Bio armor the dmg bonus from offense makes up a lot of the dmg difference. 

  9. On 6/19/2021 at 10:56 AM, Bill Z Bubba said:


    This is one of my main issues with the direction things have been going. I miss when the only difference that existed for a given power came from AT Modifiers. But alas, that ship, too, has sailed.

    If we are talking the scaling at the start of the game I believe it is generally correct but takes into account the inherent ability now. A sent does the damage mentioned at the start of the game basically a scale 7. So in theory the class should do about 70 to 75 percent of the dmg of a blaster. The main issue is the blaster defensive have become over tuned with gear and status buff with an incarnate. With that said the whole game is the end game. Incarnate content is normally the easier content. If you think about it if blasters  and corruptors could not defense cap with gear no one would be complaining about sents dmg. Status protection also is a very expensive stat that was weighed heavy during live. 

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  10. On 11/24/2020 at 7:18 PM, Bugsydor said:

    Today, I am going to complain about a feature that has been in the game for a very long time.


    There are exactly two archetypes in the game that have enemies that exist purely to give them a bad time: Peacebringers and Warshades. Sure, invuln tankers have to deal with a psi hole, but they don't have to deal with heavy, them-specific stuns. (And kheldians have that same psi-hole, too, minus a WS's eclipse).


    Maybe it was necessary for balance purposes at some point in the nebulous past, but that point is clearly past. Can't we just have them removed from the game? Or maybe just restricted to the kheldian story arc missions? Heck, keep them in but change the guns to not stun and to do psi damage so they still target a weak point. They make leveling a kheld a huge pain, as things currently stand.

    I would buy 8 hrs worth of the status protection from the PW2 vendor at lvl 1 it will only cost 8k influence. I would refresh again when 1 hr wears off this will prob be around lvl 10. This will get you through the tough part of a nova build till you get the Dwarf power. I can tell you I have a PB that is vet lvl 160 I do not even notice the Quantum anymore.

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