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  1. Equally skilled and given the same opportunities, the meta build wins, that's why it's called meta right?
  2. It's less of a power fantasy if there are no overpowered powersets, wouldn't you agree? So it seems we are on the same side. I don't want to be in the power fantasy either.
  3. Experienced, hardcore PvPer with Meta build > (more powerful than) an experienced, hardcore PvPer without meta build If meta builds exist, then the above statement can exist also. If the above statement can exist, then by removing meta builds through balancing, you can minimize the effectiveness of the former variable in a PvP context.
  4. It would TAKE AWAY from the certain advantages that hardcore PvPers have by selecting META builds, through the balancing of the powersets, would it not?
  5. Then you should stop playing childish games as well, bro.
  6. You know what? You are right, it is how it is. And it's how it was 10 years ago. And it probably will be, based on everyone's responses here. But that doesn't make it RIGHT or FAIR or BALANCED.
  7. These four factors you stated, experience, skill, resources, or teammates, these are ACCEPTABLE. They are acceptable BECAUSE they do not necessarily rely on having a powerset imbalance. Eliminating powerset imbalances would open the door to PvP and make it more enjoyable, take away from the hardcore PvPers that crunch numbers to gain unfair advantages through meta builds.
  8. "PvP players don't care about themes" Subjective opinion, blanket statement. I am a PvP player, (also a PvE player) that cares about themes.
  9. Ah, but my good friend, I NEVER SAID THAT. Or at least if I did, I take it back. But please, search my post history and prove me wrong on that one if you can. And the point I made, So long as there are discussions and suggestions for nerfs and buffs and which build is best, you cannot say that the game is balanced.
  10. See this is the wonderful Subjective opinion, subjective opinion. I am for order and balance, you are for chaos. May as well play the JOKER builds.
  11. So long as there are discussions and suggestions for nerfs and buffs and which build is best, you cannot say that the game is balanced. PROVE ME WRONG.
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