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  1. Sorry for not specifying - non-Granite, plz
  2. If you're not too opposed to a person with serious alt-itis and roleplayer syndrome, perhaps you could help me with these builds? A Demon Mastery / Poison / Soul Mastery Mastermind (for solo content) A Water Blast / Marine Affinity / Leviathan Mastery Corruptor (for solo content) A Claws / Ninjutsu / Weapon Mastery Stalker A Stone Melee / Stone Armor / Earth Mastery Brute A Fiery Melee / Fiery Aura / Fire Mastery Scrapper I would like to note that these suggestions are meant for theme rather than pure optimisation, which is why I don't want to use Mace Mastery. Obviously, still make them as optimised as the parameters allow. Thank you for all you do, and remember how much people like me appreciate your work!
  3. Just to check, are these builds to retcon into at max level, or are they for levelling as well?
  4. 64 pages worth of making builds? You must be very dedicated to the game! Thank you for all of your hard work! Any chance you could make for me a Melee Illusion/Martial Dominator? That would be very much appreciated! EDIT: It would be equally appreciated if you could give me a build for a Storm/Storm Corruptor (for solo content), and a Beast/Nature Mastermind as well! Sorry for the hassle!
  5. I'm currently running an Illusion/Martial Dominator named Fraudlight, but I'm not sure what build to make for him. Does anyone have any ideas? Currently I have him at level 8, with three Illusion powers (Spectral Wall, Blind, Spectral Terror), one Martial power (Thunder Kick), and 2 Fighting pool powers (Boxing, Kick), and I'm running these powers alongside Brawl as a weirdly effective melee combatant who holds his enemies while he beats them up. Of course, being only level 8, I am open to deleting the character and starting again with a new secondary, or I could retcon him into ranged secondary powers once he's high enough. It depends on whether my current strategy will continue to be viable. So what would be a good build for him at every 10th level (so I know what enhancements to put on him as he levels up), starting at level 10 and working my way to level 50? Any helpful responses will be appreciated!
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