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Posts posted by Rikmach

  1. On 2/26/2024 at 6:21 PM, evetsleep said:

    It's amazing on a troller.  Triple damage when it procs along with containment.


    My only problem with acane bolt is the cast time.  I almost never use it while teaming since it almost always is corpse blasting.  Solo it's fabulous.

    It's kind of funny that the power that has heavy synergy with the tech-themed control set is from the magic-themed power pool.

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  2. On 12/5/2023 at 3:43 AM, FrauleinMental said:


    The chalet is open year-round...useful for spending all those Candy Canes.  I mostly use them on Light of Renewal (20 Canes per 8 days from the Candy Keeper), which has a separate cooldown from Renewal of Light / Return to Battle (from the P2W Vendor).  It occasionally comes in handy with a squishy character.


    After the revamp to Hover, I was able to get all the ski badges with just Flight + Hover (or Mystic Flight + Hover) after a few practice runs on each course.

    Exactly how does that work?  Hover's faster than I remember it being on live, but not *that* fast.   What am I missing?

  3. Max is a contact in the Incarnate Dark Astoria storyline, His story arc is structured in an unusual manner, there's several missions you can complete that make the final mission easier- but they're all optional, and you can choose to complete the final mission without ever doing them.


    However, this causes a problem: If you do this, Max stays on your list as an active contact, even though he no longer offers missions, and should be put on the inactive contact list.


  4. On 4/15/2023 at 4:13 AM, Shred Monkey said:

    Bobcat.  Just the thought of her arc makes me want to vomit in real life.  I don't know if that makes the game designer who built her a sick demented psycho or a true genius who can evoke a physical response in real life with their virtual creation.  I actually think it's more of the first part because the big reason I hate her is because there's too much "Godmode"-ing in the arc.  I don't have an option punch her in the face instead of doing her missions, which is what I want to do.  I consider this poor game design.  But still, they managed to make a villian who I really hate, IRL on personality alone.  None of the other contacts even have enough personality for me to remember what it is, much less feel anything.  I hate her so much that even though I have intentionally run "all the gold side arcs" on several toons, locking xp at 9 and 14 so I complete all 4 arcs at each level, I actually cheat and skip her arc when doing this.



    That's kind of funny-  Like, I don't *like* Bobcat, by any measure, but I find her antics amusing in that "Watching a train wreck" sort of way.   She's pathetic and scheming, and ultimately, all she really wants is attention, and is willing to casually resort to murder to get it.  She's like a cat if it were a person, appropriately.   If you talk to her about what happened to her villainside, after the Tin Mage Task Force, she *almost* comes across as sympathetic when she goes over Neuron attempting to sacrifice her to Hamidon to save himself.   She murdered him for it, of course.

  5. To answer “How are Trial Zones different from Hazard Zones?”  It was originally fairly simple:


    1. More Dangerous than Hazard Zones (Larger and more dangerous spawns).

    2. Intended to contain a Trial.


    However, due to technical and Developmental difficulties and changes in philosophy, this became a confusing mess.  I’ll go over it in chronological order, with the caveat that information about the Beta is based on my memories.  If anyone has corrections, please share.


    Back in Beta, there were five Hazard Zones:


    The Sewer Network


    The Hive

    Terra Volta



    However, something interesting happened during the Beta:  The Sewer Network became a popular option to travel between the Low-level zones it connected to (The trams originally only brought you to the next stop in line, and you could only board them when the tram arrived, meaning if you knew the way, the sewer network could be much faster with fewer loading screens),  However, since it was restricted to level 36, it was usable at the levels it would be most useful at.  So the devs created a duplicate zone- the Abandoned Sewer Network- to hold the planned Trial, and lowered the level of the Sewer Network to level 1.


    As for the Trials themselves, two of them were tested:  Faultline and Terra Volta.   Terra Volta’s tests were successful, however the respecification system itself was not completed, so there was no reward, therefore it was decided to not include it in the initial release.  As for the Faultline trial, apparently it was incredibly buggy and testing was discontinued during the beta, and the trial was shelved, planned to be released later like the other trials.   For the curious, it was supposed to function similar to the Terra Volta Trial:   Heroes were tasked with defending the southern part of the Reservoir (The area that was off-limits before the Faultline revamp) from waves of Clockwork, Vahzilok and Circle of Thorns.  Plot-wise, it was the culmination of the Positron Task Force, the actual assault upon the Dam that was discussed in that Task Force.


    That said, there *was* one functional trial in Beta…  technically, depending on what you consider a trial:   Hamidon was present in the Hive since day one.  Most people call it a Raid, but it was a big Climatic battle that is situated in a Trial Zone, so it might technically count.


    As for Eden and the Abandoned Sewer Network, No Trials were present in Beta, nor was there any testing on them that I am aware of.


    The first actual Trial came out in issue 1.   The Abandoned Sewer Trial was released, bringing the number of functional trials to two.


    Issue 2 was eventful:  The Eden Trial, Terra Volta Trial, and The Cavern of Transcendence trials were all released.   Also, two new Trial Zones were added:  The Rikti Crash Site and The Storm Palace.  Both lacked Trials, but presumably it was planned for ones to be added in the future.


    This also led to one of the first inconsistencies (besides the Trial Zones lacking trials):  The Hollows was a new Hazard Zone-  But it contained a Trial.


    Issue 6 was City of Villains.   It added Nerva Archipelago, which contained a Trial: The Tree of Thorns.   It was the first City Zone containing a trial, once again introducing an inconsistency in the meaning of Trial zones. This is presumably because City of Villains did not initially have the "Hazard" or "Trial" zone distinctions initially, only having City and PvP zones. (Though a Trial and Hazard Zone was added later)   The PvP Zone, Bloody Bay was added, which will be relevant later.


    Issue 8 resulted in something interesting:  Faultline was revamped, changing it from a trial zone to a city zone, and presumably the plans for the Faultline Trial were shelved forever.  I spoke with the people who have access to the code, and they say there’s no sign of the Faultline Trial in the code anymore.  Likely it was removed at or around this point.


    There was also a Trial added in this issue:  The Cathedral of Pain.  This is the first instance of something interesting:  Trials that are disconnected from their Trial Zones.  Story-wise, this Trial takes place inside the Storm Palace, but it’s Accessed through the Supergroup bases.  That said, there was a Game-Breaking bug found in the raid, and it was quickly removed.


    Issue 9 Added a new Trial Zone to the Rogue Isles, the Abyss, which contained a Duplicate of the Hamidon Raid.


    Issue 10 contains the second Revamp:  The Rikti Crash Site is replaced by the Rikti War Zone, and the Rikti Mothership Raid is added to it.


    Issue 12 is interesting.  Cimerora is added, and is listed as a Trial Zone, but no trial is ever created for it.   Presumably, it was planned to have a Trial, but those plans never came to fruition.


    Issue 18 sees the return of the Cathedral of Pain, with the game breaking bug gone- but due to the associated superbase raid system being scrapped, the Items of Power are no longer rewarded.


    Issue 21 adds “Death from Below”, a Trial set in The Sewer Network, but accessed through the new Looking For Group system.


    Finally, Issue 22 adds “Drowning in Blood”, a Trial set in Bloody Bay, also accessed through the LFG system.


    In summary:

    Trial Zones that contain trials directly:



    Terra Volta

    The Abandoned Sewer Network


    Trials Zones that contain Trials indirectly:


    The Sewer Network

    The Storm Palace


    Trial Zones that were revamped before ever containing trials:



    Rikti Crash Site


    Trial Zones that contain Raids:


    The Hive

    The Abyss

    Rikti War Zone


    Hazard Zones that contain Trials:


    The Hollows


    City Zones that contain Trials:


    Nerva Archipelago


    PvP Zones that contain Trials Indirectly:


    Bloody Bay


    Trial Zones that do not contain Trials:



  6. On 3/4/2020 at 6:42 AM, EyeLuvBooks said:

    After I saw the Pet customization I downloaded Cream Soda and raced right over there. My observations are based on the better part of the day's worth of play:


    1) I don't like using costume slots for the Pet appearance. If they ever figure out how to make my guys look like the enemy models (assets already in-game) I'd be thrilled.

    My understanding is that coding user interfaces in City of Heroes is unbelievably difficult for some reason (Not a coder, so I don't understand *why*, just passing on what I've heard), which is why Null the Gull exists- apparently, creating an NPC you can talk with is easier than coding an user interface option in a menu.  Wild.   Either way, my guess is the "Uses existing costume slots" is their initial, hacky way of implementing the pet customization option using existing interfaces.  IE, get it working at all.  I'd be willing to bet they'd implement a seperate interface, or slightly more hacky options to mitigate this (IE, Masterminds getting more costume slots that other classes)  We'll have to wait and see.


    As for Enemy models, well, hopefully people will add NPC costume options to the character creator so you can make them for yourself- for humanoid models, at least.


    On 3/4/2020 at 6:42 AM, EyeLuvBooks said:

    2) I don't believe that the auto-upgrade is necessary. Yes, upgrading resummoned pets is a pain but so is being the only melee fighter on an all-ranged team. IMHO it's part of the game, it works, don't mess with it.

    And I'm sure you hiked through the snow to school, uphill, both ways, and liked it.   Sorry, naysaying QOL changes "because that's the way it's always been" holds zero water for me.


    On 3/4/2020 at 6:42 AM, EyeLuvBooks said:

    3) I'm perfectly fine with the changes to the underperforming sets but truth be told the balance is all over the place. Where's the love for Ninjas (arguably the LEAST effective set over the career of the MM)? The idea of adding a new Medic is great (because I don't believe that we need to follow the 3-2-1 model all the time) but adding AoE to Burst seemed to be an over-reaction. If Mercs is under-performing for damage, why not simply increase the damage?


    Because Ninjas aren't the least effective Mastermind set?  They're the strongest Single-Target set that exists.  This isn't to say it's crackers, though, it's pets have garbage survivability, and if you don't have a secondary that covers that, it's hard to let them actually deal that damage.


    Merc's problems wasn't *just* low damage.  It was low damage- both single target and range, low survivability, and almost no utility/debuff/control, and the stupid AI constantly putting itself into unnecessary danger by running into melee to brawl or rifle butt, despite being designed for range.  If you look over the changes, you can see that most of them are focused around ensuring they can survive, giving them AOE damage, and adding some control/debuff options.


    On 3/4/2020 at 6:42 AM, EyeLuvBooks said:

    4) The TT radius of 60 for Liches is insane. I had whole spawns tangled up from one power on one pet. Procced Bonfire became immensely powerful there.

    Is that a complaint or a compliment? :)


    On 3/4/2020 at 6:42 AM, EyeLuvBooks said:

    I like making improvements to powers and sets that are proven to under-perform but my background in manufacturing tells me to make SMALL changes, then reassess how things are doing, then if necessary make more. The PILE of changes made on Thunderstruck is over the top IMHO.

    True, that's one way of doing it.   That said, I've also seen success in making big changes and paring back afterwards.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, RialVestro said:

    1. TFs can not be soloed.

    What makes you say that?  Why are you so certain of that?  Have you ever tried it?  Heck, I'm sure there might even be people willing to let you tag along and watch while they solo a task force. (Well, technically, it'd be duoing, but if you don't do anything, it's mechanically the same thing)   You're stating this as a fact, without anything to back you up.


    17 minutes ago, RialVestro said:

    2. Videos can be faked.

    Well, yeah, they can, but do you have any evidence that the videos presented *were*?   On top of that, /Demorecord has multiple flaws-  one important one is that it can't follow past loading screens (So if a character loads a mission or changes maps, it stops), Glowies often don't spawn, Kheldians often end up stuck in shapeshifted forms, defeated enemies will sometimes stand up- so if you look at the videos, you can tell pretty reliably if it's a /Demorecord or not.

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/29/2019 at 2:48 AM, RialVestro said:

    That is a decent point though I would assume that all content would have been updated along with the introduction of Incarnates because the game would be ridiculously easy if they didn't. Similar to how the enemies would scale up if you started at a higher level than 35. It should scale up for incarnates as well.



    How would you propose they do that?  Incarnates aren't just at a higher level, they're granted entirely new, incredibly powerful abilities intended to allow them to triumph over Incarnate-specific content.  I mean, outside of the Trials, the only Incarnate-specific content we have is Dark Astoria, and that functioned by completely revamping the enemies involved, creating incarnate-specific versions with new powers, not just "Scaling them up", remaking every bit of old content to become a new, revamped Incarnate version if the person playing it is an Incarnate is wildly impractical in terms of developer resources-  plus, it'd be kinda silly in-universe.


    Not to mention that, Incarnates aren't the only power boost the playerbase has gotten over the years.   Hamidon Origin Enhancements let you functionally cram more enhancements into fewer slots.   Invention Origin Enhancements did that, too, *and* gave you bonus stat boosts on top if you slotted sets, and that's not even mentioning procs.   The game does not, and has never detected these and "scaled" the game to take them into account.   The only scaling it does is based on level, and level alone.   HOs, IOs, and Incarnate Powers make you objectively stronger than an otherwise identical hero that does not have them.  And you're right, it *can* make things ridiculously easy-  that's why there's a difficulty slider- you might not be aware, you can make the game harder when it's not challenging enough for you?


    On 10/29/2019 at 2:48 AM, RialVestro said:

    Sorry you're claiming that something designed to be a challenge for teams can be easily soloed and you think I lack understanding of game mechanics? You can't throw out an unbelievable claim like that and expect people to just accept that as true. Of course I'm going to assume it's faked because that I know is possible where as soloing something meant for a team I have never seen before.


    Oh and how is telling someone that you need a team to successfully complete a TF designed for a team detrimental? You got that totally backwards. Telling them they CAN solo the ITF is detrimental. You're going to get some poor noob killed if they buy that BS. If I'm wrong nothing bad happens because I'm not the one telling them to solo one of the hardest challenges in the game with a Blaster!


    Oh and anyone can solo a Giant Monster... as long as that GM is named Sally. 😉 She only has 1 HP.

    I don't think anyone is claiming that Task Forces can be easily Soloed, Rial, just that they can be soloed.  Like, Soloing Task Forces has been a self-imposed challenge for the playerbase since pretty much day one- I remember the old days when people would debate back and forth on optimal builds and strategies on how to do it.  And this was back in the days before a lot of the stuff I mentioned before existed!  Honestly, because of all the edges players have now, it's almost mundane when people say that they've soloed a Task Forces-  That's probably why you're getting so much blowback here.   People soloing Task Forces is old news and common knowledge.


    And I'm not entirely following you on why us talking about the well-known fact of Soloing Task Forces is detrimental-  like, your worst case scenario is a noob might get killed.






    Noobs get killed a lot, by things a lot easier than a task force.   They're Noobs.  They die a lot, for a lot of reasons.   And like, that's not much of a problem.  Like, sure, they get debt, but so what?  It's pretty much one of the least punishing death mechanics I've encountered in online games.  I don't think the fact that people factually state that they've beaten a task force solo because they're highly skilled and have a well-built characters is going to have a significant impact on noob mortality one way or another.   And if they want to try to solo a Task Force without bothering to try and understand *how* someone accomplished such a feat?  Well, really, that's their own fault.   It's not like we're on this thread sneakily attempting to convince the noobs that might stumble across it into racking up a bunch of debt.   That's just silly.  

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  9. On 10/24/2019 at 4:25 PM, Haijinx said:

    Some of the best melee attacks in the game are in blaster secondaries.  


    As well as some pretty decent control effects. 


    And the sustain powers are pretty impressive on a per power basis.


    Well, remember, Sustain is new.  It wasn't added in until near the end of the game's lifetime.   As said, Blasters Started out having ranged primaries and melee secondaries, only to have the secondaries given control/debuff powers, and when *that* didn't solve the issue, they got Defiance 1.0, and when *that* didn't work, they got Defiance 2.0, and when *that* wasn't enough, they got Sustain.


    Blasters have had a bit of a hard time of it.

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  10. On 10/24/2019 at 4:06 PM, Doc_Scorpion said:

    The original version of Defiance didn't help matters any - because it encouraged Blasters to get in close and operate right at the red line.

    Well, this was prior to Defiance even existing-  Keep in mind, the only Archetypes that had their Archetype abilities when Beta was complete was scrappers and Tankers.  Defiance 1.0 was an effort to *fix* Blaster problems even after they added the control/debuff powers to the secondaries.

  11. Ok, kids, let a veteran weigh in on this one.


    Back, far back in the deep mists of time, there was the City of Heroes Beta.   After their initial attempts on a more flexible power system (Basically, imagine having no primaries or secondaries or even archetypes- just power pools) failed (People either built unstoppable tank mages, or disorganized, unplayable messes), they created archetypes to help guide people into more cohesive builds, one of the archetypes they came up with was the Blaster- the idea behind them was they they were *all* about damage, giving them ranged damage powersets (Many of which they shared with defenders), and melee damage powersets (Many of which they shared with Tankers-  efficiency is key when you want to get a product out the door and a good chunk of your development time ended up wasted).   Keep in mind, these powersets aren't the ones we have now- some weren't invented yet, of course, but more to the point-  they were *identical* to the Tanker melee sets they were copied from.  Though, back then, they liked to make sure that each archetype had one unique set, so Electricity Melee was unique to Blasters at that time.


    Now, you might guess, this didn't work out too well.  Blasters back then and now didn't operate well in Melee where everything hits harder.  If you could imagine, Blasters faceplanted even more back then than they did in live, because they had an entire half of their archetype urging them to do something that didn't work great for them.


    Live was approaching rapidly, and the devs rapidly attempted to cram utility powers into the secondaries, grabbing them from controller or tanker primaries or making them from whole cloth-  Ice melee got Chilblain, Chilling Embrace, Ice Patch and Shiver, and got redubbed "Ice Manipulation", Energy Melee got Power Thrust, Conserve Power, Power Boost, and Boost Range and became "Energy Manipulation", Fire Melee got Ring of Fire, Combustion, Consume, Burn, and Hot Feet and became "Fire Manipulation", and while I don't have records of the original powerset, I'd guess Electric Melee got Electric Fence, Lightning Field, Lightning Clap, Power Sink, and Shocking Grasp and became "Electricity Manipulation", and lastly, because they realized they had no options for Natural or Tech heroes, scraped together Devices right before live.


    We have, of course, have had powersets added since then-  Darkness Manipulation, Martial Combat, Mental Manipulation, etc-  You might notice that they're somewhat different than the originals, largely because they were made under less time pressure and with lessons learned from their initial attempts.

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  12. 3 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    Is it just me, or do Shadow Cysts not spawn anywhere besides in the ITF?

    If I recall correctly, if you have a very large team containing Kheldians, they have a small chance on showing up on *any* mission, similar to Quantum Gunners.

  13. On 9/6/2019 at 5:40 PM, Zepp said:

    I don't think it is much worse than the position Regen is right now.

    I'd argue the point, but even if it's true, Regen is still one of the weaker of the older defensive sets.   and I'm still baffled by a dev mindset that adds contrasynergy to a set that's still not particularly strong in the first place.  It's not like Reconstructive Healing has the old-school Instant Healing toggle.

  14. 56 minutes ago, Blackbird71 said:

    This just shows limited thinking in pizza toppings.  The obvious answer in the above scenario is to order one pepperoni, and one Hawaiian but only with pineapple on one half of the pizza.  You can add olives or something to the other half.  This way there is enough pineapple to satisfy the pineapple-lovers, and plenty of pizza to share with the pineapple-haters.


    Source:  true life experience.

    Except the Pineapple gets juice all over the rest of the pizza, ruining it for non-Pineapple eaters.


    Source:  true life experience.

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  15. When it comes to the *concept* of Pineapple on Pizza, I have no problem.  People eat weird things all the time, and more power to them.


    The problem I have is that Pizza is usually a *social* food, often bought for a family or a gathering, and anyone insisting on pineapple almost always means people who don't like pineapple always lose out.


    To explain what I mean, let me give you an example:   Say there's a small party with four people, and they order two Pizzas:  One Hawaiian, and one Pepperoni.   Two of the party goers don't like Pineapple, but the other two are fine with both pizzas.


    What happens if one of the Pineapple-eaters decide that they want a slice of Pepperoni?


    Now it means that's there's less pizza for Pineapple-haters to eat overall- they can't eat any of the hawaiian, and they now have one less slice of Pepperoni they could eat.


    In short, people who order Pineapple pizzas, and eat *any other* kind o pizza before theirs is all gone are unfairly taking food away from other people- and they do this all the time, often without even thinking about it or realizing what they're doing to the other people there.


    Like... be decent.   Just stick to the pineapple pizza until it's gone, okay?  It's just polite.

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  16. 9 hours ago, Zepp said:

    Having two key powers (Recovery Aura and Regeneration Aura) 1000s for a 90s effect is a bit insane. Then the Tier 9 Fortitude Aura is at 240s, barely permable. I understand these three powers are insanely powerful, but having 90s on 30s off (if you have over 200% recharge with the 45% bonus from your Alpha)... it seems a bit annoying. That being said, all of those are PBAoEs, meaning your entire team will have a bonus of 400% Recovery and 1000% Regeneration for 90s and 17-18% Defense for 120s... So your entire team will be nearly invincible for that period of time... The ups and downs of playing that set will likely be quite annoying... That being said, I think this is possibly the best team set for Guardians because of the three powerful PBAoE team buffs.




    Right, but you don't pick up Regeneration Aura until level 28, (And adding more regeneration on top of regeneration isn't as great a benefit defensivelly), and Fortitude Aura until 38, meaning at low to mid levels, your only personal defense powers area Resilience (Weak Resist all), Healing Aura (Expensive on the endurance), Pain Absobtion (Has Contra-synergy with Healing Aura, Integration, and Regeneration Aura), and Integration (Moderate Regeneration boost), none of which are superstars on their own, or particularly effective together, or much comparable to the defensive powers in other sets.    I suppose the cost of being an amazing team booster is weak personal defense.

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