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Posts posted by Rikmach

  1. I've played it on the Rebirth Test Server, and it's pretty fun.  Most of the Assault sets from Dominators are ported over (They've missing Savage Assault, though), but several are slightly revised, (For example, all variations of Power Boost are changed to Build Up) and they added five new assault sets:  Gun Fu (A mix of Martial Arts/Dual Pistols, and it mostly uses different martial arts attacks than Martial Assault), Hellfire Assault (A set stitched together from the Demon Summoner Mastermind attacks and the Hellfire demon's attacks), Luminous Assault (Put together from Peacebringer Melee/Ranged attacks), Mace Assault (Mixing together the ranged/melee mace attacks from the Arachnos VEAT) and Umbral Assault (Put together from Warshade attacks),  even if they don't port over the archetype, I hope they pick these up for Dominators on Homecoming, they look good and are lots of fun.


    As for compositions...   They're interesting.  They usually mix the key defensive powers of a Defense Set with some of the powers of a thematically similar support set, usually ones that debuff the enemy, or buff the whole team.  This means sometimes "key" support powers are missing, but that seems to be the cost of being able to take a decent hit.   The net effect ends up similar to the "Jack of all Trades, Master of None" Niche that EATs have, except, you know, much more customizable.


    The Composition sets are Atomospheric Composition (Electric Armor/Storm Summoning), Dark Composition (Dark Armor/Dark Miasma), Energy Composition (Energy Aura/Kinetics), Fiery Composition (Fiery Armor/Thermal Radiation), Ice Composition (Ice Armor/Cold Domination), Organic Composition (Organic Armor/Nature Affinity), Pain Focusing (Pain Domination/Willpower), Radiation Composition (Radiation Armor/Radiation Emission), Reconstructive Healing (Regeneration/Empathy), Stone Composition (Stone Armor/Earth Control's Debuff powers), and Temporal Reaction (Time Manipulation/Super Reflexes).


    Most of them are decent and fun, even with minor complains (Atmospheric composition and Dark Composition skip some of the better powers of their support sets, and keep some real dogs around, but they're still solid), and some surprising upsides (Since it doesn't have Granite Armor, Stone Composition lets you actually have a character that uses the normal stone armor powers without losing out on using a powerful defensive power), but two stand out as being... problematic.   Temporal Reaction takes it's sweet time giving you decent defenses, especially compared to the other sets, and when it finally gets it, requires much more effort to maintain and...


    man, Reconstructive Healing.  How do you take a weak defense set like Regeneration and make it *worse*!?    It really needs a lot of work, the poor thing.


    So, yes, Electricity Assault/Storm Summoning is totally a thing you can do, Kinda.


    Anyhow, I encourage you guys go check it out, it's pretty neat.   and we can hope that eventually Homecoming will port it over at some point, since, hey, free Archetype.  (Though Widower has been going around pooh-poohing that idea, so don't get your hopes up, alas.)

    • Thanks 1
  2. Considering that Bots is considered one of the "Best" mastermind sets, and Radiation Emission is considered one of the "Best" support sets, pretty well, I'd say.

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  3. A bit more detail on Hybrids and Pets:


    First, the passive benefit does not affect them.  Alpha and Interface affect pets because they function like enhancements slotted in every power you have, pets included.   Hybrid's passive is simply a self buff, and nothing more.


    As for the active powers:


    Melee does not affect pets at all.  This is apparently intentional.


    Assault and Control *do* affect pets, but they're slightly bugged: They'll only affect pets who are summoned while the power is active.   However, those pets will be affected by any subsequent activation.   This stops when the pet dies or you zoned, meaning they'll need to be re-summoned while it's active again after that to gain the effect.  This applies to Controller and  Dominator, pets, as well as lore and other short-duration effects, so summon them after you active the hybrid effects.


    Support always affects pets without any issues.

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