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MagicalAct last won the day on September 6 2024

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  1. Been on a bit of a break, but back with the unsinkable Sea-Dog, somewhat inspired by Freedom Force's Man-O-War.
  2. Devil-Kid Dark/Fire Sentinel, Son of Satan but as a teenager kind of hero.
  3. The most forbidden of all stacks...Also great job on the costume.
  4. The Ultra-Mind, Mind/Traps, based on Braniac and a dash of Mentor from Freedom Force, with a Mentor themed costume.
  5. Sonic/Dark blaster Banshee-Man, his first costume was alright but something felt off about it. Decided to make a new one and got this. Really happy with how it turned out.
  6. This has been driving me crazy, but I recently started a radiation emission toon which I haven't done in a long time. I noticed that the icons for radiation infection and enervating field have been swapped. I can't find any information on homecoming making these changes, and on the wiki they still use the original icons. It's not game breaking but after years of recognizing certain powers by their icons, have them suddenly be the opposite is a little strange. Did something get messed up with my files? Can it be swapped back?
  7. Never rolled one on live, but finally rolled the classic Fire/Rad. Meltdown-Man.
  8. Laser-Man Energy/Energy sentinel, seem kind of set on 80s style costumes lately but I like it.
  9. Nothing wrong with a simple and clean costume. Dreadshock looks awesome.
  10. A combo I've tried before but never really had a theme that clicked, this time went with a Legion homage and have been enjoying him a lot. Mael-Man, Storm/Psi defender
  11. Kind of a fun one, although I'm not entirely set on the name. Chemical-Man Poison/Ice defender, who can change his body to produce chemical compounds on the fly. Compound and Mixture were already taken, and went through Chemicool and Chem Mist before just settling on Chemical-Man for now.
  12. Warmth looks amazing. She actually looks like she could be a new mutant/hellion kind of character.
  13. Still been enjoying El Fenix, a couple more looks for him, one inspired by Sunfire. After feeling like I hit a wall idea wise he's been simple but fun, and just messing with his costumes I've really like how they've turned out.
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