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Everything posted by knightbaby85

  1. hello everyone, I see everyone is talking about how to shift plus 1, 2, and 3. so how do I get get shift to plus 4 or did they do away with plus 4?? I remember back in the day or at least a while back they was level 54 toons (50 plus 4). just wondering what happen to them or are they still going on, if so how do I get from plus 3 to plus 4. thx so much
  2. yes sir that worked perfectly. first issue I had in years. good thing I didn't uninstall tequila first before installing this one because it asked me if I wanted to keep all saved toons and costumes. might want to add that in next time someone needs help like this...if that matters. it might have did it anyways once I signed in. anyways, thanks so much glacier peak you're so awesome dude. you a beast, guru. got me fixed up again. the only one that would help me. thanks again. about to go play coh ..have a good one. later
  3. I'm using tequila. I meant to say loading bar. I will click on tequila from the desktop icon, it will pop up and then click play after the green bar reaches the end. then a smaller longer bar will pop up saying loading and that is as far as it will go... it was "loading" for hours. thx for the help
  4. i guess no one is going to freaking help me... solo with blaster seems to be the topic *yawns*
  5. can someone help i just updated now it will not get passed the launching bar. i forget how to fix this issue. please help thx
  6. can someone help .. its done this before but its been a long time. I forget how to fix it. I just updated and now it will not get passed the launching bar. thanks
  7. dom section didn't realize they was one. how do I get to that or where is it at. thanks
  8. yeah hello I was wondering what are the best ice powers to take with a ice/ice dominator so I can avoid the cheap powers and maybe add some pool powers to the toon. also what are the best pool powers to get with the ice/ice build thank so much..
  9. thanks so much. I'm on windows 10 and I did download tequila. when it downloaded... the homecoming 64 was highlighted. if it helps I did install the two game disk from back in the day. I still have them in mint condition.
  10. could please some one help me. I downloaded the home coming launcher and then created the forum account and a game account. now when I click the launcher it starting the download all over again. I have tried everything I could think of and I just want to play so bad this is getting aggravating
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