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Posts posted by Floridian

  1. I made a psy/willpower sentinel last night, and it definitely hit the ground strong.  The sturdiness of being a Sentinel seems to help with the longer cast times... being stuck mid-animation isn't quite so painful.  I'm looking forward to seeing how it does throughout.

  2. 1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

    We do as well, but we're not getting rid of until there's a viable alternative to sharing base access easily, and unfortunately that's not super simple to achieve.

    While It does get abused, I'm not terribly mad at it.  I like having a macro bar with different bases that I can click on to visit with people, etc.  It *does* make any level one character with a macro capable of being a better teleporter than someone who has purchased *multiple* powers in power pool.  Especially with there being a hard limit to the number of pools that you can choose from, (and with everyone dipping into weave, combat jumping, hover, maneuvers, etc. etc...) I would just like to see the base macro's current position in the travel meta used as a reference point in rebalancing the teleportation power set.  As said above, it's all theme and no mechanic. 

  3. The Teleport Pool could use some serious love.   The Cross-Zone Teleport power is so slow... I can jump to my SG Base, use its teleporter, and arrive at my destination before my girlfriend can using her *own teleportation ability* to go to the same place.  Recall and Group Teleport could use a range increase as well as a casting-speed buff.  Early on... by the time I was close enough for her to recall, I would often reach her by the time she finished casting. 


    I remember using teleport foe fairly often during Live to separate out the hard targets from their crowds, but I don't really see that these days.  Considering the meta of picking hover or combat jumping for it's defense bonus (and tasty defense enhancements)... maybe a 'blinking' defense toggle could be a better power?  I know that one is pushing it, but Gosh it sounds cool.


    (Edit: Spelling)

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