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About Fastchicken1st

  • Birthday 10/25/2006

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  1. I am very powerful healer role. Most people who play healer role tend to seek help for missions but i am made different. My first character is a villain, i play coruppter/healer. I run enegry blast and pain nulify. And the first sever I started on was indomitable. I may have the worst load out because it was my first character. But it was not impossible without insprations. Large ones will cost you a arm and a leg on the auction house, and treasure chests will give you three every 30 mins. I started City of villains at the end of 2019. Currently im lvl 48 close to lvl 50 I took a bunch of breaks which i why im hitting level 50 this year, alot of breaks we are talking 6 months offline then 1 month online then 7 months offline. Heres my advice if you start healer role, its ok to ask for help and if you feel weak you can turn the noitrery down. I soloed most of the game alone because im a badass, when you start the game as healer look at the powers you have chosen, recomend ranged attacks instead of close attacks. This is because most enemies you come acorss can and will jump you or 1 shot you. You will come across very very hard missons as a healer, insparations will help you depending on your level. from lvl 1 to  10 to take small insprations. From lvl 21 to 30 take medium insprations and from lvl 40 to 50 take large insprations. You can find medium and large insprations in the auction house or black market. If you ever need any help as a villain come see me im mostly some times active on cov, my name is CRIMSON GAS you can just message me if  you need help and i'll help you. This is my advice if you need help with healer role on red side or blue side.  If you see a black and green introversion, sensing, thinking, judgement machine thats me on red side, sever exsoulor.

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