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Posts posted by June

  1. Hi. I been trying to create a naiad and work out a spotted pattern based on some art I have seen. Mostly it works fine, but it annoys me a bit that even though I use the same color there comes like a line between the different body parts. I use leapard spots on both the upper and lower part with the exact same color and it still has a color seperatation. There isn't the same for hands, so I used one of the cheetah 1 for that part of the costume.


    There is however no significant seperation between the bottom and the feet part of the look.


    Reptile skin or fur doesn't seem to have those issues, but those doesn't suit the naiad concept

    spotted pattern.jpg

  2. Of course if you have no interest in RP at all, then leaving Everlasting shouldn't really be a big loss. However if you do like to RP, most RP'ers tend to be on Everlasting.


    For me usually the best way to avoid harassment is to stay away from pocket D. I rarely ever get any harassment outside of that location in particular.


    Someone should go talk to DJ Zero that they should keep a better eye out on the place they own.

    • Like 3
    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I remember old rules dating back two years said the very more relaxed with guidelines with tells, but supergroup and team chat they were not monitoring acticely, but would still be looked at as it had been local.


    In my opinion team chat should be more relaxed than tells in general. Because there's no way to give consent to tells or withdraw it other than to put the person on ignore. In team chat you can always withdraw your consent and leave the team chat. And people need to accept the invite before you can actually talk to them in team chat. To give a tell you don't need permission. Not saying you are not supposed to do tells, but it shouldn't be that relaxed and if you do send inapropriate tells to someone, you should know the person first and know that they are fine with such tells. In team chat you can just keep it private and leave whenever you feel uncomfortable. Preferable you tell people before you leave, so they know not to keep pushing after you left.

  4. I expect it wasn't really meant to be used as an info bubble in the first place. That it was a bubble meant to tell people you were afk and you could input a message. if someone sent you a tell and might not be able to see your bubble it got sent to you. Say you set youir afk message to "AFK, making dinner" for instance. Would explain to people why you are not answering them. So I think the purpose was always to give people a a heads up that you were not around and you could input an explanation to you absense too.


    So it probably was intended to be a phone answering machine...

  5. Yeah I have a lot of my characters have that message above their head when speaking... maybe if we were give something other to use then afk message that didn't trigger auto tell... or just yeah simple function to turn off auto tells would be nice... another issue is if two players both using the afk message ends up messaging each other because then it might end up going in a loop

    • Like 1
  6. It was a fun event. For the purpose of the event I stuck to two of my lesbian characters. I tried to get in time for the singles contest with my nonbinary character dressed up in a costume representing the colors, but I was unfortunately too late for that one 😞


    Considering almost all my characters are LGBTQ, I'm likely going to end up making more or working on those I have making more awesome characters in the future.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm unsure about the bio contest, as pretty much all my characters are LGBTQ. Is it just the best bio for that one? Sexuality are usually just a character trait and not part of the concept, hence not even mentioned in the bio unless it is super relevant for the background info. Only character profile I have that is LGBTQ related is about a character who was born in a time when being gay was not accepted, then waking up in a new time where it is more accepted then it was 70 years earlier. Because of the time she grew up in, it's more important for the background than other than being a superhero who coincidentally is gay or transgender.


    But if the bio doesn't need to be about being LGBTQ, I might go with one of my other LGBTQ toons for the bio contest.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Arbegla said:


    You can talk to null the gull to remove the extra tray, and then drag the power to your normal tray 🙂

    I know. Just I need to remember to do it XD

    I wonder if those powers only activate while you are using travel powers now, though. But then again stuff like afterburner didn't work if you were not already flying anyway? I can't remember

  9. The fact that the GM's actually responded to this and made clarity that ERP is allowed under certain circumstances, it would be nice to not risk getting banned for breaking a rule for ERP'ing with non-human species.


    And it is not about dancing around the bounderies. It's about being able to say not needing to make a glitching outdated robot that's running on Windows 3.10 system.


    It's about not getting banned for your 100 year old character to be underage.


    I am trying to avoid getting unfairly banned because the GM's consider my character to be underage, when I made the character as an adult.

    Say I have a character who is a gentic science experiement who has been crafted and is a freshly made experiment. Aged into adulthood, but was made maybe a couple of years ago or a couple of months ago.

    Say Superboy for instance. He was a clone. Chronologically just a baby, but his body and mind is deffinetly grown up.

  10. Ok. Since the mention of underage (age of 18) have been mentioned. Is that like a totally set rule?


    Say, you play non-human characters who age either faster or slower than humans. Would adult age for their species be good enough, or is the 18 age for all creatures.


    Robots need to be 18 year old (and probably be very outdated technology)
    Elves need to be 18 (though in their case they may need to be 100+ since they claim adulthood a the age?)

    Changelings reach adulthood at the age of 15 (does that count?)

    Cats reaches adulthood at... idk age of 2?


    And actually I am asking seriously because I want declaration on what is counted underage. Especially since I play a lot of non-human characters.

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 4
  11. On 3/25/2021 at 7:36 AM, paletone said:
    Hello, I'm Brazilian, I would love to participate,
    but my character still doesn't have access to Atlas Park,
    because I'm from the alternative universe of Praetoria.
    But I wish the event success <3

    You could make an alt version just to show up... or make a brand new one and say hi ^^

    • Like 1
  12. having swords for bagpack options isn't a bad idea or shields, but yes I would love to be able to cast spells while my character holds some sort of staff. If you could get stuff like use the shield animation for the ice armor could also be a good option as you could have the ice shield, which actually looks pretty nice and looks like a defensive ice power while ice armor is just a clunky piece of ice. Still the shield weapon style doesn't offer the same defense as the ice armor

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