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Posts posted by Stray

  1. 19 hours ago, AboveTheChemist said:

    I was awarded 'Pursuer' tonight when I logged in, but there is no record of it in my chat log. I just happened to notice it when checking on another badge. I don't know what I did to earn it, or if it was just handed out en masse to everyone.



    Edit: I am seeing it pop up on other characters when I log them in, and someone in the Everlasting Badges chat channel reported the same. The wiki says it was awarded for logging in during November 2006 so I wonder if it is awarded for logging in during November and the servers are perhaps are using Greenwich Mean Time as their reference.

    Could be from logging in on Halloween. Didn't CoV launch on Halloween originally?


    EDIT: Misread your second point, probably right. I would guess midnight UTC.

  2. 1 hour ago, BillyMailman said:

    I've found one badge that's still listed out of order. You have Bailout Hero after Dignified Combatant in the Achievement badges, but my in-game listing has it right after Incarnate Rival, before Drone Protector.


    1 hour ago, BillyMailman said:

    Also, Thorn Robber (and presumably Thorn Thief and Thorn Usurper) are out of place. I only have Robber, but it's at the very top of my listing. Sadly, I don't have any of the Patron badges, nor Recluse's Betrayer, so I don't know where exactly it belongs, but it's at least before Ex-Marshal.


    There's a fix in for these now, but @KeyboardKitsunehas to approve before they will go "live". There were some educated guesses made on some badges, so keep posting any you find out of order.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, KeyboardKitsune said:

    I'm hoping for that API... It's one of the big things that'd push me to move to a cloud-backed approach.
    Could create leaderboards... badge hunting seasons... all sorts of cool stuff if there was a way to verify the badge list.

    My only concern is that it sounds like it will be a client API instead of a public API that accesses the server data, so theoretically someone could taint the data with enough effort, meaning I'm not sure if guaranteed verification would be possible.


    Maybe they'll sign the requests and give us a way to verify the signature. That would be nice.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Elemento said:

    I find this to be great just that I still have to write down individually what each of my characters has earned especially so far.

    It is a shame that the old defunct CIT did not keep what badges I had received back then.

    However that being said, this  is a huge leap.

    This still does not automatically record right from the game as to what badges you have gotten like CIT used to do.  Otherwise my character Amalgamite would be showing his badges instead of "0" badges.

    I was actually looking in to this at one point with the rebirth of Herostats and such. Unfortunately, because of the new compilation process and the aggressive optimizations that came with it, it doesn't appear that we can readily read the badge list from RAM like what used to be possible. There is still the chance of doing it based on chat logs, but that isn't ideal.


    Eventually they want to include a pseudo-public API that should allow this sort of thing to be possible.

  5. As it is now, it will always save to your browser's local storage. You can use the export button to save it to a file and re-import it. I know that there is some talk about moving it to a cloud based app if there's enough interest/time.

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Going to the "Inactive" tab from any tab causes crash.
    • Closing an reopening contacts changes nothing
    • Having 3 tips is required to trigger the crash
    • Only have to dismiss one of them, not all of them
    • Zoning seems to fix the issue


    Also, in event logs:


    Looking at the error report with a viewer shows that it was an Access Violation exception, so maybe some sort of pointer going out of bounds?

  6. More information:

    • It's not required to run a mission beforehand, simply dismissing all tips and swapping to "Active" contact tab triggered the effect.
    • I can freely switch between Active, Broker, and Tips. Its when I try to go from Active to Inactive that I have the crash. Paper never reappears at top of contacts.
  7. I've managed to make the client crash three times now reliably. Some notes in parentheses and below that may or may not be relevant.


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run paper mission (I'm currently Rogue level 50 with +1 level shift and +2 incarnate shift, running paper mission in Grandville)
    2. Fill up on tip missions (I've started each mission with empty tips in case that is relevant)
    3. Complete mission
    4. On exit, dismiss all 3 tip missions
    5. Switch to active tab, no paper at top of contacts
    6. Try to switch to any other tab
    7. Crash to desktop



    • I've always had the "Tips" tab open in Contact on mission exit, not sure if this is required to reproduce. I never changed tabs before dismissing tips.
    • I've only tried with dismissing all tips, I'm not sure if it happens with less or if dismissing them is even the relevant action.


    I'll continue testing to narrow down reproduction steps if possible.

  8. I've never heard of this. What was it, exactly? I don't see it mentioned in the ParagonWiki anywhere. Was it anything like VirtueVerse? Do you have any screenshots? How did it work?


    App that ran in the background while you played to help track stats. Things like total inf, badges gathered, etc.

  9. This was a thing back on live too (I thought it was fixed, but I may be misremembering). In order to get the badge(s), players have to do the majority of the damage to the monsters. If the other monster does more damage, then no one gets the badge. This is cumulative, so if they had been fighting for a while, it's basically impossible to get the badges.

  10. At one point I was against power leveling, then I didn't care, and now I participate in it. It's all in the eye of the beholder, so to speak, and people will do what is the most fun for them. No reason to attack people over it. Even when I was against it, I never browbeat any of my friends who did it because that's just dumb. That's like saying that people who like vanilla more than chocolate are heretics.


    As to your point about finding teams, I haven't had any trouble personally on any server. The problem for a lot of mid-level content right now is that people either aren't to that level yet, or the ones that are just aren't interested. It is a shame as there's some great content, but "fixing" AE won't change that.


    Before AE, it was Portal Corp demon farms, Freakshow farms, Banished Pantheon farms, wolf farms.  Farming has always been a part of the game.  It's human nature, part of what makes a game a game: the object is to achieve certain goals, so people will find the shortest way to get there. 


    Family farms too. I think it was the family farm that was removed from the game in an attempt to quell power leveling, but all that succeeded in doing was making money for the people who had it as an active mission since they charged admission to it.

  11. Unfortunately, when I was able to get in, I saw a lot of folks with "afk" over their heads.  Would be nice if people didn't login just to stand around and block others from playing.  When there is like 15 servers and all at moderate capacity then go ahead.  For now though...  I mean, can't we all share?


    There is a hypothesis floating around that some internet trolls have gotten wind of the issues and are intentionally filling up the server quotas just to mess with everyone. That may be what you're seeing, but all of that is hearsay afaik.

  12. Yes, and if you see that error, I believe you're going to have to delete that toon and recreate them. I had a situation where I got caught inside a mission door, couldn't get in or out (and this was happening to basically everyone) and then if you kill the game client process, you'll end up never being able to log back into that character. The message received (after the "You've been kicked" message) was that the particular character is currently logging out, and then you can never get back in, no matter how long you wait.


    This whole situation seems untenable. My wife and I are considering stopping playing altogether. We appreciate greatly what the Homecoming team is done. We just doubt the viability of the situation itself. There's too many players for a free hosted effort. The fact that this group of people made this happen at all is amazing, let along to field 4 server entities, and still not have enough processing power.


    Eh, I'd say give it a few weeks and see what shakes out.

  13. Edit: I had unstickied this as, at least to my knowledge, the download was not cleared by staff to ensure that it was safe for the community to download. I will state now that if you download the file in the post you are doing so at your own risk.


    It's not that I don't trust you, Philotic, we just cannot support runnable downloads from anyone without first being checked up on by the staff. Hopefully you can understand this :)


    Makes perfect sense to me, I was just curious when I saw it suddenly drop from the top with no explanation.

  14. Donations are fully legal to accept, just don't start charging people to play and they won't bat an eye.




    So, here's the thing, running this server at all is a violation of copyright law and at any point could go to court should NCSoft choose. Since there's no money changing hands at the moment, it is more likely that NCSoft will let us be for longer. Not only that, if they were to go to court over this, and they had accepted donations, it would strengthen NCSoft's case and NCSoft could lay claim to any donations that came from this. In other words, the person who accepted the donations could be made to pay them back to NCSoft. Nothing about this is simply "It's legal, I don't see why we're not doing it."


    If there is someone in the crowd who is licensed to practice law that wants to tell me I'm wrong, then by all means. I am not a lawyer, but this seems like pretty much common sense to me that you can't accept money in any form that would go to aiding or abetting copyright infringement.

  15. Yeah, it looks like the editor is completely replaced in 2.1 (we're in 2.0 now):




    Also, there's a TON more spam protections in 2.1 and other great QoL stuff. Here's the pertinent items:

    [*]A new WYSIWYG editor SCEditor

    [*]Google Authenticator for two-factor logins

    [*]Improved spam defenses, registration will be blocked if a user tries to register too quickly and also inept bots can be tripped up by hidden form variables.

    [*]Anti spam Q&A should now be able to support multiple languages (different questions per language) as well as multiple answers per language

    Can we PRETTY PLEASE upgrade to 2.1???


    You can get it here, Miss or Mister Admin: https://download.simplemachines.org/ :)


    I was looking at that yesterday, and it looks nice, but I thought I saw somewhere that there was a warning like "2.1 is in beta and is not ready for production. Stick to 2.0 until there is a stable release."


    I could be getting mixed up. I was also look at different software for work yesterday to replace some things there and could be swapping them in my head.

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