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Posts posted by Flexabulous

  1. Great discussion, but I'm not solo'ing GMs. I just made my Fortunata-I made a Night Widow First because I didn't know how the level process worked-she auto respec's at 24(?), and boom I started the tier 2 choices, in build 2 I went Fortunata. I was lucky, someone fire farmed her to 38 and I jumped in for the patron power arc for the first time, ever- I think. As a farm product I feel a little obligated to give back, so I am running teams on Everlasting Red Side and I love her in teams- L O V E. She is not the toughest, her animations take longer, but she rips em' up and keeps chargin'. It's not an auto battle phone game-its meant to be a virtual super being experience-and she achieves it. Psychic wail, 1 accuracy and 3 damage, and she is EPIC. OMG. I kind of wanted to be able to make a pseudo Fortunata outfit but can't find the coat tails-do we only get the one? But I L O V E her. Great posting on the routine, but I'm not here to optimize and make her business effeicient-I'm here to PLAY. WROOM WROOM, here comes the waaapawaaaapapapapapapa...waaaaaahpaaaaahwaaapapapapapa, lol. Man that does get annoying, like the Alpha wolf for MM pets.


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