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Posts posted by KelsoKajek

  1. With the availability of generic IO enhancements that can't be out-leveled, the primary value DO and SO enhancements offer is a loot drop.


    What if every power had an inherent second ability, like a proc for damage/heal/hold/etc, or a boost like Kismet's To-Hit buff, that would be unlocked if a player had at least 4 DO enhancements slotted, and a more powerful version of that ability if the power was 6-slotted with SOs?


  2. Thanks for the suggestion Ultra. Opening the file in Notepad, I saw that Visual Studio Code had entered some spaces as ' ', which wouldn't show up when viewing the text in AE. Removing those fixed the issue.


    I guess I'll try working with Notepad until I figure something else out. It is a lot easier to edit the file directly, but I guess I'll keep a working backup in case something like this pops up again.



  3. Hi all! I've written missions in AE, but it's easier for me to work out of a text editor, like Visual Source Code.


    I've edited the .storyarc files, but when I open the modified files in AE, while no errors are reported when I open the story arc, when I try to re-save the file in AE, I get error notifications - like multiple "The field PersonRescuedSpeech exceeds the text limit.", even though all those fields seem to be within their limits.


    Does anyone have any suggestions for using text editors/applications for writing missions, without having to log into AE?

  4. I have fun with my Sonic/Dark. She's not soft-capped (although she does lean on Ritual of Protection), but Sonic and Dark both include stuns and sleeps to take mobs off the board, temporarily.


    Typical attack chain is Aim > Dark Pit (stun) + TP into middle of crowd > Soul Drain  (dmg boost) > Dreadful Wail (another stun stack, to stymie bosses) > Kill kill kill everything that's still standing. The Soul Drain lasts 30 seconds, and when it's running full power Death Shroud helps the mop up really well. If other enemies are attacking from range, there's Siren's Song to put them out.


    I took the Soul Mastery power pool for Oppressive Gloom, I use that and Screech when I'm dealing with a boss,


    I'm still learning how to use it (still taking plenty of dirt naps) but it's a lot of fun, and a pretty cheap build, all things considered.




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