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  1. Ok great, I'm excited to find the time to go over all this stuff. Thanks again everyone!
  2. Yes! Perfect, thank you!
  3. Hey folks, Back in the old days I spent a lot of time tricking out my characters with what I believe are called macros. Key binds? Anyway, most of my characters could, for instance, push a single button to perform a power, say a catch phrase and change their costume. This was not for power game type awesomeness or anything, just pure cool factor. Is there a guide to syntax for building such things? My macro searches on this forum come up with threads about specific already written macros. I'm just looking to build my own character role play type chrome. Thanks!
  4. Oh, that post's very helpful, thank you! Apparently I have a $700 Costco Ideapad Flex 5. 😕 Looking at his post it appears there are a number of laptops in that range that SHOULD be able to run the game. Thanks for your help. navajas
  5. Hey folks, Love to be back in the game. CITY OF HEROES!!! Just playing on a cheap Lenovo laptop from Costco, figured it would be good to play an ancient game. NOPE. Chunks all over the place on the lowest setting in Atlas Park. Does *OK* solo in a mission (can turn it up to "recommended") but that's about it. Even caves give me fits with a single team mate. Odd thing is, this laptop runs War Thunder just fine. Am I missing something? Windows 10, bs "Intel Iris Family" graphics. Is there maybe I setting I can bottom out in order to not slide show everything in town? Cheers!
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