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  1. I'm having the same issue. All servers show down for me. Not sure what's going on. My friend is currently logged in and playing atm. Hopefully they work out the issues soon.
  2. I haven't played in a long time and there is not a lot of build or data around. I go maneuvers to help give the team a little more defense. I have been just going off my own instincts on what was best. I was thinking it would probably be more for a support of controller to use to assist the team. Is there anywhere we can go to see pros and cons of abilities? I can't find anywhere that shows caps percentages for ability enhancements.
  3. Thank you for responding. I'm currently running power shield, kinetic shield, antropic aura and maneuvers. Even when I try to just run 2, I still run into the issues. I will try to slot attacks with reduction. When I'm not running them at all, I take a huge deal of punishment. I'm mainly in the hollows fighting trolls and the frost fire missions.
  4. I created a Brute in order to have a little bit more melee damage. I'm running into issues not having enough stamina to maintain my toggles defensives. I've tried to enhance them with stam reduction. I can do a single pull and then I'm starved for stamina. Anyone have any ideas on how to balance this issue. I was originally going to use invulnerability as my defense set, but energy looked cooler in my opinion. looking for some feedback.
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