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Posts posted by Summerspark

  1. 11 minutes ago, EmmySky said:

    I like options.  Right now, I have the option of not putting on that second costume until I do Sergio a favor at 20.  I have the option to put it on at level 1.  Ditto for most of the other 'grindy' stuff out there.  I honestly don't care either way, but I like options.


    I see a lot of people talk about how they were kids playing and now they are adults with families and less time.  When the game originally came out I was 30 with two kids and a husband.  We all played whenever we could.  Now I am 45, the kids are grown and no husband, but somehow my parents became my kids and so I play whenever I can. 


    Life will always find a way to get in the way of what you want to do, so for people who want to shortcut stuff, I think they should have that option, even if it is 'new stuff' that's put behind the grind wall.  


    That's just my random 2 cents.  Happy hunting!

    I went over the psychological aspects of unlocking new costume things. The options are great but they're overwhelming. There's no drive to use that stuff because it's all there, trying to get your attention at once.


    People have varying amounts of time. Your personal situation is irrelevant, and I'm sure you have content that you can do that I cannot due to my own circumstances, that being various mental problems I'm not gonna get in to here. TFs come to mind. Or any group content at all.


    I know you didn't present this as an argument but it felt like one. I dunno. This entire thread has me on edge now after that first tirade of people accusing me of egostroking. Think I'm gonna back off from this. Learned that the coh community is definitely not what it used to be.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Voice_box said:

    If you want to grind for something go ahead. Enforce the original restrictions on yourself.

    For instance, I prefer to change my alignment the old fashioned way. I avoid Null the Gull and use the tip system.

    The great part about homecoming is that people have lots of different avenues to play the game in a way that is fun for them.

    Literally breaking your own legs is not fun. There's psychological aspects to it. That doesn't work.

  3. 1 hour ago, Crysta Clear said:

    No thank you. No, no and no. Don't tie cosmetic options that may be important to someone's RP concept behind a wall of grind. If you want a whole shit-ton of grind, may I suggest Blade & Soul instead? It has great customization and really pretty character models, and all the grind your ass could ever want. But the grind is why I left it. If I have to grind for a costume piece that's important to a given character's concept, I just won't play that character, and I'll feel pretty hurt because of it.

    God forbid someone find a creative way to explain why their character is different from how they intended. As a casual RPer myself that's kind of a huge part of working around what is actually a pretty restrictive customisation system. A lot of parts, very few of them moving quite how I need them to.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Lines said:

    I think that just comes from not understanding that this is an idea for the journey, not the destination.


    Some people like the creative freedom that having no unlockables grants. But I'd prefer to earn an expanded creative freedom. It feels a bit backwards to front-load reward like this to me, but others don't see it that way.

    True, and like I said, the unlocking of items has that psychological effect - you want to make things more with the stuff you earn. It's cool new stuff, not a reason to stroke yourself off. I don't get the mentality.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Itikar said:

    The thing I like the most on Homecoming, in comparison to some other servers out there, is specifically that by allowing free access to all costumes and base items it gives a great creative freedom. So a step back from that would be extremely negative in that regard, as it will give this creative freedom to fewer people, while others might not have the possibility or be inclined to unlock such items.


    Putting some new items behind grindwall would still be far from good in light of the above, at least from my perspective. Putting behind grindwall items that are now available freely would be even worse. So for me this is just a bad idea that I hope will not be implemented. There are already enough things to grind for if one feels so inclined, and the grind can be made even longer if one so wishes. No need to harm the fun for those who, on the other hand, do not enjoy grinding as much, or even worse cannot grind as much.

    Could you explain why you think that not making costume pieces unlockable would be better? I went into how there's a psychological aspect to it, but you just seem to be being contrarian. Is there an actual reason you think that?

  6. 5 hours ago, Omega-202 said:

    Hard pass.  Do you have every available badge yet?  Do you have a star next to every story arc in Oro?  There's plenty of grind in the game still.  What it sounds like is that you want something to lord over people's heads to say "look how much more dedicated I am".

    I don't know where this hostility comes from, but you're wrong. Getting all the available badges involves content that I personally don't like - just as you might personally not like grindy content. That is all ok. Please don't use aggression to get your point across, though. I don't appreciate being accused of things.

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  7. Just now, Hero_of_Light said:

    Im just saying that options are good :). We need grindy things to go along with non grindy things : D.


    I miss that I don't have costume sets and peices to work towards. 

    Same. i remember getting so excited when I'd worked towards a new costume piece/set and finally got it. It inspired me to go right to icon and make use of it, see what I could do. Half the time it sucked and didn't work, but hell at least I have the thing now, and there was generally something else to set my sights on.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Hero_of_Light said:

    You could choose not to do these things were asking for to not get the rewards. 


    Just like you can choose not to work towards incarnate, or choose to.

    This. Literally nobody is holding a gun to your head. I choose not to play villain content because I find it boring for example - everyone's gonna have content they want and content they don't.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Hero_of_Light said:

    I would love to see some costumes that needed to be earned. Having to earn it gives it meaning and shows others that you put effort towards a particular faction, like the vanguard.


    Not everyone wants to grind, I personally don't have a lot of time either, but I still would love to have some costumes pieces to strive for and rewards to be had.


    Lots of people need goals to keep playing, and earning costume peices are an excellent goal to strive for.


    At the same time, not everyone wants to come back to find one of the things they enjoyed about a game being stripped out. "Not everyone" is a hell of a term, and people forget it works multiple ways.  I get why it was initially taken out - not many people played on the secret private server that definitely didnt exist and those that did were a tiny minority of players - but now it's bigger again.

  10. This is going to be controversial, obviously. However at the same time, it's a lower-effort way to put longevity into a game that suits a smaller studio size.


    Yeah we all have jobs, but there's psychological elements to how CoH did its 'grindplay'. Constant trickle of rewards to work towards the big thing was one of them - but there was another thing integral to CoH as a whole.


    When you unlocked new costume pieces, you felt motivated to use it. In the game's current state, where it just frontloads you with everything, the costume creation is less fun. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but I know I personally don't have any desire to do it any more than I have, because I have no reason to - I've already done my thing. I've reached my endgame already. I've done the content and have nothing to work towards.


    Back in the day, grinding vanguard merits for those cool costume pieces was dope. I'd come on after school, put in some graft after my homework, and feel happy. Now, I feel no reason to do it. Yeah I enjoy the game, but I may as well just do radio missions for all it counts.


    Please consider giving us some minute rewards to work towards. Hell, I'd even grind for silly badges. Make me do a million vanguard missions to get a badge, I'm ready and waiting.

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  11. A weird request would be to make more costume pieces require you unlock them in some way, staggering out their releases. There's a nice bit of psychology behind it - new costume piece appears, person is going to want to find out new, creative way to use it. As it is now, it's pretty overwhelming. I played back in the day and found I was way more willing to make more costumes and enjoy the game more because I had something to unlock on various characters. Now all I have is my incarnates.

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