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CR Mochi

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Everything posted by CR Mochi

  1. Hey Everyone! Please vote to choose whether our next Homecoming Sponsored PvP event should be arena or zone based. Once we get a consensus, we have a few theme ideas in mind that we will run by you all! We are also open to ideas that you may have. Please let us know here on the forums, in a private message, or on discord! These are the official and affiliate discords for Homecoming Sponsored events: Homecoming PvP Discord: https://discord.gg/HUfxGFG Smol KB Discord: https://discord.gg/sp84RAs Thank you, CR Mochi
  2. Heyas! Thank you to everyone that came out to make our first Zone PvP Showdown a success. We had over 56 players in the zone at one point! At first, I was going to stick with just raffles every 15 minutes, but ended up throwing in an impromptu bounty challenge. Each faction was assigned a bounty from the opposite side to hunt and kill within 15 minutes. We had quite a few people volunteer to be the bounties and saw some amazing evasion. Thanks again for coming out everyone! The following are our Merit and Booster Pack Bounty/Raffle Reward Winners: e-girl bathwater America's Dark Angel empogy Yeah i can do 1more Dark Humor. dankz haubt Sklarped 2.0 Careful xcuses? Voting for next Sunday's zone event will close the day of, so make sure to get your votes in! Let me know if you all would like to see bounty challenges at the next event (maybe even team bounties?)
  3. Nice to meet you as well, America's Angel. 🙂
  4. Thank you GM Conviction for all of your support!
  5. Correct, this will be held on Indom.
  6. Zone PvP Showdown Hosted by: The Homecoming Team/CR Mochi meet and greet Dates: 12/13, 12/20, 12/27 Times: 6pm PST/9pm EST Server: Indomitable Raffle prizes: Merits, Booster Packs Zones to be voted on: RV, Warburg, Sirens Hey everyone, we will be hosting a weekly Zone PvP Showdown event for the remainder of this month! This will be a great opportunity for newcomers and all to enjoy a night filled with raffles and prizes! I'd also like to take this opportunity to formally introduce myself in game and answer any questions you may have. Our first event will be held on December 13th in Recluse's Victory. I'd like to have everyone vote on which zone they'd like to play in for 12/20 and 12/27. Please cast your votes here.
  7. Hello everyone! I am CR Mochi, your new PvP Community Representative. Although I’ve been around for a little bit, I’ve been spending the last month getting my bearings with some administrative duties as well as catching up on the slew of changes happening in PvP. I’ve been in contact with CR Banana Man, and we are looking forward to hosting more zone and arena events in the immediate future. It’s reassuring to see how many people are taking the initiative to drive changes in PvP with their own testing, events, and discussions. We on the Homecoming PvP team will continue to monitor and facilitate those discussions and make sure your voices are heard. You can find me here on the forums, in game @GM Mochi, or on discord under CR Mochi#4530. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
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