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Everything posted by Widgetto

  1. I've been using @Infinitum's Elec Armor/Psi Melee + Super Reflexes/Energy Melee builds to cobble together a Super Reflexes/Psi Melee build to try out. The positional Defense values are similar in both my build and his, but the Resistances are over 20% different across the board, with mine being on the short end of that stick. I should note that I did identical slotting in SR and near identical for PsiMelee, I just avoided the Franken-slotted Total Focus equivalent power that ended up being 6% Tox/Psio resist, which wouldn't account for a 20+% difference in all other resists. I'm not expecting any numbers here to be exactly the same, but it feels like that's too big a difference to be one simple set I overlooked. So I feel like I'm missing some crucial piece of this puzzle, and I'd love to know what that is. Here's the best side-by-side I can come up with:
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