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Everything posted by Rarog

  1. Two characters which I have been enjoying playing recently: Anguish Devi, a Pain Domination/Sonic Attack Defender: Gobsmite, AttitudeTItan Weapons/Regen Brute:
  2. The latest (at the moment of writing) version of Mids gave me a lot of trouble in Ubuntu 23.04 including consistently crashing my GNOME session under Wayland (under X11 it just pops a dialog complaining about missing dotnet runtime — looks like dotnet shims and Wayland are quite at odds, but I digress). If anyone else faces similar issues, here's what I did to get it to work: Download the dotnet runtime Mids depends on. For version 3.5.6 that would be https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.16-windows-x64-installer Run the downloaded executable within the wine prefix you'll be using Mids from. If you're going to use your default prefix, the required shell command would look something akin to this: wine Downloads/windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.16-win-x64.exe Run wine dotnet "The\\Path\\To\\Mids\\Installation\\MidsReborn.dll" (⚠️ yes, the .dll and not the .exe; also notice the double forward slashes) in terminal or put it in a .desktop file That should hopefully be it.
  3. Crystal Core, an Ice/Earth Blaster.
  4. mousematic sniff 5 (copy).m4v Mousematic, a Traps/Energy Defender
  5. Cinderfish, my Water/Fire Blaster.
  6. Horned Serpent, a DM/Nin Scrap that I've been enjoying playing recently.
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