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Posts posted by dynafireca

  1. Awesome and very useful guide.  Two comments:

    1) The P2W enhs are still useful beyond level 20.  What they lose above lvl 20 are the procs.  To be clear, for example let's take "Clockwork Efficiency: Damage/Recharge/Chance for Energy Damage"  If you slot this at levels above 20, you'll still get the benefit of the damage and recharge (but no proc).  This is easy to see in the enhancement window.  Simply place it in a power when you're above 20 and you'll see the damage/recharge benefit.  They are still pretty good for quite a number of levels, as they give you 16.7% of both damage and recharge.  That makes them roughly comparable to the value of a lvl 30 IO (a lvl 30 damage IO provides 34.8% damage, and a lvl 30 recharge IO provides 34.8 recharge reduction.  So 2 of the P2W enhs together are nearly the benefit of using 1 each of lvl 30 damage and recharge IOs).  Beyond lvl 30 they aren't as good as up to date IOs but then again, considering they are free, they aren't bad fillers.


    2) level caps on attuned IOs also seem to be broken.  That is, an attuned IO that claims to cap out at say lvl 30 still continues to scale up all the way to level 50.  For example, as a lvl 50, if you view an attuned "Triage: Healing/Absorb/Recharge" (which is supposed to cap at 30) - it will show a benefit of 26.5% of both healing and recharge, which is the same as say Numina's at lvl 50.  I've verified this with equipped set IOs, such as an attuned "Neuronic Shutdown: End/Hold" - which gives me the equivalent benefit of a lvl 50 set IO.  This would seem to be a bug as the text clearly claims the benefit should be capped, but as far as I can tell, you get the full scaled benefit up to 50. Turns out this is incorrect.  The bug is in the display of the IO, where it does suggest it will provide a 26.5% improvement (for example for Triage), but the actual improvement is scaled down as the text indicates.



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  2. Firstly, thank you FourSpeed for an excellent guide.  I really appreciate the way you start as far back as going through the tutorial, guiding along every step of the way, and also being able to completely bootstrap from zero inf.  The build also works quite well, though I was able to evolve it a bit, such that it works quite a bit better early on.  Big picture, at lvl 22, I am able to farm +1/8 quite quickly, without much risk, and using only lvl 25 IOs, just as your level 25 version uses.  I basically was following your guide, and got impatient, and figured that since a lvl 22 can slot lvl 25 IOs, I'd give it a shot starting to run early.  From there, I modified the macros such that I actually use accuracy and defense inspirations, and combine only health, end, and res inspirations (into reds).  With constant stacks of accuracy and defense insps, it's easy to farm +1/8, and very fast as well since the larger number of enemies results in more red insp drops.  I also made a few tweaks such as dropping a travel power (with sprint + ninja run, and jump enhs in hurdle + sprint, my jump speed is more than unslotted fly, which I figure is "good enough".  Plus, as an ae farmer, you really don't need to travel much anyways).  I removed all accuracy enhancers because with big stacks of accuracy inspirations, they aren't needed, and you can just do moar damage.  Also, by eating endurance inspirations as needed, end reduction IOs aren't needed either, and pretty much damage + recharge on spine burst gives great DPS.


    Here is the build I use at lvl 22.  I ended up rolling a 2nd farmer just to double check that it can farm +1/8 at lvl 22, as my original farmer lvled up very quickly and did not stay in the 20s for more than a few runs.


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


    Here are the modified macros I use (I added a 5th because there's a length limitation):


    /macro_image "Inspiration_Damage_Lvl_4" "BOOM!" "insp_exec_name uncanny_insight$$insp_exec_name phenomenal_luck$$insp_exec_name keen_insight$$ insp_exec_name good_luck"
    /macro_image "Inspiration_science_breakthru_Lvl_1" "Combine 1" "inspcombine catch_a_breath enrage$$inspcombine respite enrage$$inspcombine sturdy enrage"
    /macro_image "Inspiration_science_breakthru_Lvl_2" "Combine 2" "$$inspcombine take_a_breather focused_rage$$inspcombine dramatic_improvement focused_rage$$inspcombine rugged focused_rage"
    /macro_image "Inspiration_science_breakthru_Lvl_3" "Combine 3" "$$inspcombine second_wind righteous_rage$$inspcombine resurgence righteous_rage$$inspcombine robust righteous_rage""
    /macro_image "Inspiration_Damage_Lvl_4" "BOOM2" "insp_exec_name insight$$ insp_exec_name enrage$$insp_exec_name Focused_Rage$$insp_exec_name Righteous_Rage"

    Also, personally I only set button 1 to use the macros, and all my other hotkeys fire off their powers as normal.  This allows me to better control when I want to eat insps.  When using the strategy I have described, of eating accuracy and defense insps in addition to reds, one has to be mindful of the number of defense inspirations active.  You always want 2 active at any time, and if they are about to fall, fire off another one, and always have some in reserve.  Before starting a run, I buy inspirations from the nearby vendor.  I go with 2 accuracy, 2 defense, and 6 damage.  I go ahead and use them all right at the start, in order to get the party started.


    My modified AE_On.txt is as such:


    1 "powexec_slot 1$$powexec_tray 2 4$$powexec_tray 3 4$$powexec_tray 1 4$$powexec_tray 5 4"


    Attached is a screenshot showing the typical state of the buff bar during a run.  




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