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Everything posted by emeyer406

  1. I played around and swapped out flight with sorcery. but again having no experience with the arch type. I couldn't tell ya if one was better or not. I saw a few vids of really nice builds with leadership and flight and no epic but can not find any builds matching the powersets I saw in the videos but I digress. thanks again everyone. fortunata1 RoP.mxd
  2. Never made a widow or Fortunata before and have finally decided to take the plunge lol for Fortunata. this is what I have be able to come up with. I am not really good at these Builds and would like to know from ppl who have played the arch type if I need the heal self? and or RoP that everyone seems to put in there builds. I really wan to stay in the air which is why I went hover but again if taking Mystic flight wont cause a end issue i can switch that out for the sorcery pool. I just don't know .46 seems like a lot of end to expend during a fight. Thank you for all your guys help fortunata1.mxd
  3. So I'm not very good and build creating so I've spec a few hours looking over others and picking them apart and coming up with this. I really not found of proc monster builds. Only because I've nave played one. but my play style is primely full teams doing TF and just playing the game. I would hope to get the damage res a little higher and I know that incarnates will help with that some. But at this point this is what I was going to run with. Thank you all for help. cowa3.mxd
  4. emeyer406

    SR Rad Tank

    thank you for that information and guidance on the build. where does the +res come from when taking damage / loosing health?
  5. emeyer406

    SR Rad Tank

    Has anyone had any experience with this combo? Im looking for something new and thought I'ld give this a shot. Most team tanking through all the general TF and maybe some ITF runs after 50 with friends. If some have a build they like and wouldnt mind sharing that would be awesome.
  6. Thank you very much that seems to have fixed it.
  7. when I launch mids i get the start up animation and a window on my taskbar but it will not actually load mids. i click on icon in taskbar and nothing happens. i removed and reinstalled with same effect plz help
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