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Posts posted by Chaosnet3

  1. With a thousand character slots you have plenty of room for trial and error now as opposed to what you had in Live.  I would suggest the following test (which I think someone stated in part):  1)  decide what is fun for you - if you like blasting, determine if what you like about blasting is the actual damage or range and decide if a blaster is the AT that you want as opposed to other range blast type characters, 2)  do a search for your proposed primary/secondary and see how much traffic it has and what people are saying about it as this can inform your decision some - you may find that the consensus of a primary/secondary is REALLY positive...at 50 and with full Incarnates and 750M influence of IO sets which may not be the experience that you want, 3) as @oldskool said the info on a Primary+Secondary may not be readily available but chances are high that someone at sometime somewhere posted about the primary and someone else posted about the secondary.  Once armed with this info go into Mids and fiddle a bit and see if you can get the character where you want them to go.


    Thanks to this new experience I make new characters whenever the fancy strikes - some don't last and get deleted, some get sent to purgatory and aren't played again and some teach me a little about power pairings after running some Atlas solo missions and some DFBs.


    Good luck on your search!

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