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  1. Shard: Everlasting Base Code: surfshack-29073 Builder or Owner: Owner and maintainer: @Hammyfly Builder: Anonymous Special Considerations: It is an RP base and can be enjoyed by walking but to get every little secret and detail feel free to zip around!
  2. until
    The Wild Cards run the Weekly Strike Targets at 8 pm Eastern every monday for those double merits! We start gathering around 7:45 pm and will announce our team lead to send a tell for invite in Looking For Group! We try to run these speedish with varying degrees of success! Come on out and enjoy the chaos of the Wild Card Weeklies!!
  3. That's not what I said. You describe a trickle while I saw a concentrated effort of counter voting. That's a specific number of votes you can actually prove was from one person. ABy your logic the thrid base shouldnb't have 22 votes but closer to 40 right?
  4. No one noticed that when Vault Luxe would get a single vote up, Rampage would get one or two votes up to counter it. This happened for daaaaaays. Cause it was weird when i voted and there seemed to be a corresponding vote. Then it happened again. and again.
  5. So we close the vote and walk away since we can't have nice things. This new criteria honestly i'm not sure i can do due to my retail schedule and randomness of my weekly schedule. My vote now is in question if i can even make it., That's exclusionary over someone not likeing a result.
  6. So it would have been all right a few days before to campaign the vote? Just not the last day?
  7. I don't though. My original point to all of this was there was an effort by other people while voting was going on to push Rampage. This only seemed to been an issue when Rampage lost the vote. No one seemed to take notice during only after.
  8. Then by that logic we should exclude any base with an rp tag? That's a huge assumption were there other bases that also saw jumps at the end ot the voting?
  9. Replying directly to the fact that they pushed Rampage. I won't out the discord or person. I have some morals if not many. And what proof do you have of the context of what votes were dumped or where?
  10. Do we know who she was campaigning for? I can say IU heard of an organized effort from someone pushing Rampage just based on concept. All i ever heard form Vault Luxe was check out the bases and vote. Do we know who the favorite was? And I know someone else who replied earlier in this thread who admitted to pushing the vote for Rampage out of spite for a completely different base as well.
  11. I would say in my opinion and my opinion only this only proves that any future community vote can be derailed by those yelling foul with no real evidence. There was no solid rubric on a "community" choice and was left to individuals taste and opinions. It also seems that this backlash and outcry only happened when a favored base lost. There were no grumblings from anyone when it appeared Rampage was always up by at least three. This honestly has shattered my faith in this community as a whole. And, i'm curious the codes given out will they be the same or individual to each person? Because if we're concerned about collusion and getting out the vote people can just share the code between friends and alt accounts.
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