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Everything posted by Helstruum

  1. You are most definitely NOT the only one... this 54 y.o. man cried when the CoH Splash Screen popped up.. and then had an ear splitting grin all through character creation! me too I was basically jumping up and down like a child gleefully nearly squeeeing as I saw the character select screen and heard that glorious music LOL.... same here.... 55 years old and still playing like a kid in a candy store. Didn't realize how much I missed this game until I heard of the rogue servers popping up... so glad to play it again. I always loved the character creation screen! I hate how so many of the newer games go for that crappy cartoony character look like Fortnite or Overwatch.
  2. I was just wondering if we will get access to city of villains content. I used to play that back in the day a lot. :)
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